I usually think that they convinced us to go to a war that was not ours, with the promise of a better future, but that was lost from the beginning. As a result of that battle, we drag on our shoulders, like Atlas, the weight of the world in the form of expectations.
It is true that a war leaves wounds, some very deep. We can complain, criticize and kick as much as we want, but the reality is that nobody will come to help us. It's time to release that weight, heal our wounds and start over. Life is a succession of opportunities to start over. Stop fighting and start living.
I'm already tired.
I got tired of showing the world that I was right. I got tired of wanting to change others. I got tired of fighting for things that I never chose. I got tired of trying to be who I do not want to be. I got tired of trying to fit into an unhinged world. I got tired of comparing myself with others. I got tired of competing for a better position or a better salary. I got tired of setting goals and goals that only produce stress and frustration inside me. I got tired of throwaway conversations. I got tired of saying yes when it's really not. I got tired of envy what others have and seek self-interest before the collective. I got tired of trying to be perfect. I got tired of turning my back on sadness. I got tired of hiding under humor as a remedy to everything, silencing my sensitivity. I got tired of having expectations of everything that surrounds me. I got tired of planning and trying to have everything under control when my interior is chaotic. I got tired of so much fear. I got tired of carrying on my shoulders a weight that does not correspond to me. I got tired of fighting.
Now I want to live.
I want to laugh, cry and scream. I want to stop pretending. I want to throw away all the masks that I have been creating throughout my life. I want to feel real in this illusory world. I want to surround myself with honest people and reach deeper links. I want to walk with my vulnerability, to see it and see the others. I want to hug and hug me. I want to be guided by beauty and sensitivity. I want moments to send everything to hell and start over. I want to play with everything and surprise me as children do. I want to doubt what they say and what I say, because, if there is no doubt, there is no progress. I want to spend time with myself because I'm a hell of a guy, and sometimes I forget. I want to live with passion, loving the things I do and what others do.
I want to spend time with myself because I'm a hell of a guy, but sometimes I forget
I need to go to some destination even if it never arrives. I want to try to be and learn to endure. I want to live in a more friendly world, with more smiles and with more you love. I want to do crazy things, without harming anyone, because in the end, crazy acts are the most remembered and fill us with life. I want to start twenty projects and not punish myself if I do not close any, because I am sure that the time invested in those projects that did not come out, will serve to make other projects fruitful. I need to live before I die, to feel that I have been able to touch or touch part of my essence. I want to step hard in this world and try to make a mark.
I do not know what my mission is in life, but I like to think that there is a bigger reason and that with my presence I can contribute to someone else's life improving. Therefore, I need to start living and relate more honestly with myself and with others and let the pieces fit together.
Good for you. Your life will be horrible if you spend it trying to change others. You should accept things as they are. People always want to conquer their anger when it comes to disagreements. Why would you want to conquer something that has no value. Live your life just like you said, and good luck!
steem on ! what did I just read? haha