Was steht heute an Freunde der Challenges?
Guten Abend Freunde des Steem und der Fotografie - wir brauchen wieder Bäume - oder?
Mein Bäumchen oben stammt aus München - vom Lerchenauer See.
Einfach Bäume fotografieren oder filmen und hier posten, Hashtag TreeTuesday nicht vergessen - alles einfach zum Spass. Muss aber Original Content sein bitte.
Bitte nicht nachmachen - Baum Video
English Summary
Hi friends, basically I am calling for TreeTuesday entries with the video message - today we post beautiful Trees on steemit by using the TreeTuesday Tag. Do not try what is in the video above please.
Please do not forget to check the other photography challenges - here a small overview about the current daily ones.
MonochromeMonday - initiated by @old-guy-photos - check all posts here TreeTuesday - initiated by @old-guy-photos - check all posts here BeachWednesday - initiated by @uwelang - check all posts here SunThursday - initiated by @uwelang - check all posts here LoveFriday - initiated by @liliana.duarte - check all posts hereBeautifulSundayBeautifulSunday - initiated by @ace108 - check all posts here
ColorChallengeColorchallenge (with daily color tags too) - initiated by @kalemandra - check all posts here

Sehr schöne Bilder 😁
Thanks @xels
Great photos. I really like the shadows of the trees in the background. Very dramatic.
Beautiful tree! :)
Obrigado y gracias!
upvoted for you ;-)
have a nice weekExcellent work dear friend @uwelang congratulations on the beautiful photography
Muchas gracias hombre
I was able to get a few words! I took German about 30 years ago lol.
That is awesome, so from now on we will write in German :-)
Beautiful post!

Following you :)
Thanks @judym -following your train back :-)
Nice pictures, following you now :)
Hey buddy, it's my first time hearing your voice. You should be hosting a radio show! Fabulous!