Hello Steemit,
exactly 20 years ago, on the 12th July 1997, I went with friends to the Loveparade in Berlin. It was the only time I had this opportunity, because the Loveparade usually took place on the second Saturday of July, which was very unfavorable for me, as the semester at the university ended in the week after the Loveparade and many semester papers had to be completed.
Please excuse the bad image quality. All shots were taken with an Olympus Mju camera on Positive Film and scanned with an Nikon Coolscan IV ED (LS-40 ED).
We drove with a special train to Berlin. Although it was only 200 kilometers to Berlin, the train started at 7 o'clock in the morning and was only shortly before noon in Berlin.
If I remember correctly, we arrived at the train station Lichtenberg and then drove with the S-Bahn the short distance to the Tiergarten. The S-Bahn was very crowded, and a few cool kids tried to surf the S-Bahn (open the door during the journey and go outside the wagon).
It was very warm this Saturday and so we spent a few hours in the shady animal garden until the Loveparade finally started. The music trucks did not even go in step speed, and were late.
In the early afternoon we could hear the first deep basses, and the crowds poured into the street Straße des 17. Juni
Many visitors had dyed their hair and wore extravagant clambs.
The volume of the music systems of the trucks was different. The most impressive thing was when we were standing in front of a truck and danced, but did not hear it because it was drowned by the truck behind it.
The anthem of the 1997 Loveparade was "Let the sunshine in your heart" produced by Dr. Motte (founder of Loveparade) and Westbam.
In retrospect, the Loveparade took place in the golden decade between the end of the cold war and the 11th September 2001. Everything seemed possible at this time. In parallel the rise of the Internet had just started. On the love parade there were also a few police officers, but they were hardly necessary because it was a very peaceful event despite over a million visitors. Nowadays hardly imaginable. And no one had a smartphone to telephone or photograph, because the iPhone was invented 10 years later.
The trucks started at both ends of the street "Straße des 17. Juni" and met at the Siegessäule. There they synchronized their music systems and played the set of the lead DJ on the Siegessäule. Usually every DJ played 20 till 30 minutes.
The Loveparade ended around 11pm. We missed our special train back home, and chose the first train on Sunday morning. We spent the night hours in a pub in Schöneweide.
On the trip to Schöneweide, a friend of mine also tried to surf the S-Bahn. DISCLAIMER: Our S-Bahn stood still here, and the door was open, the other train was driving. Still a very successful snapshot, because I captured the complete Jägermeister advertisement in the picture.
We arrived home at about 9 o'clock, and were already on our feet for about 30 hours. I fell like a stone into my bed and did not wake up until Sunday evening.
If you want to relive the love parade, just have a look at this video.
looks like you had a lot of fun. I wish I had gone.
Yes, I'm happy that I made it at least one time
I would love to go there, seems like you had a great time participating in the Loveparade :)
The pictures are great and I can't believe how much has already changed since then -- especially with what you mentioned: that everyone just enjoyed being there instead of focusing on their phones! I wish there was even a tiny little chance of having such an event nowadays :)
At these times you needed more reliability than today. My friends and I agreed some days before which train we will take. In the case that one guy were too late (what not happend), there was no whatsapp, sms or mobile call to get the info what happend. Same in Berlin. You needed to stay as group together or you were lost in loveparade space. Ok, everybody is able to read and write and had some money in his pockets, and was able to read the timetable in the train station, but be alone without friends for half a day on this party is no fun.
Absolutely master @twinner
Cooler post 👍
Check mal meinen neuen ab.
Well done post You deserve for getting Upvote from me. I appreciate on it and like it so much . Waiting for your latest post. Keep your good work and steeming on. Let's walk to my blog. I have a latest post. Your upvote is high motivation for me. Almost all Steemians do their best on this site. Keep steeming and earning.
This comment has received a 0.07 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @hamzaoui.
Ein interessantes Zeitdokument! Leider gehen heutzutage Massenveranstaltungen nicht mehr so friedlich ab.
Ja, heute wäre das leider nicht mehr in der Form durchführbar.
Wie geil, wie geil, wie supergeil :-)
Meine Mutter hatte mir von dort ein T-Shirt mitgebracht womit ich mich als Jugendlicher natürlich super cool gefühlt habe. ;)
Sei stolz auf Deine Mutter :-)
Für mich sind die Bilder gerade wie ein "Findet Waldo - Spiel", nur dass ich meine Augen nach Twinner aufhalte. Du warst ja hoffentlich nicht immer hinter deiner Olympus?
Hat sich dein Musikgeschmack mittlerweile gewandelt? (:
Liebe Grüße
Ne, die Bilder von mir habe ich nicht gepostet. Wirst mich nicht finden.
Tja... entweder glaube ich dir das, oder du sagst es, damit du nun ungestraft auf den Bilder dein Unwesen treiben kannst, ohne dass jemals jemand nach dir Ausschau halten wird :D
Leider kann ich dich nicht gut genug einschätzen um zu wissen welche Version hier stimmt :/
I guess that you like beers and beautiful things, so feel free to check out my latest blog for some pics pf my Bavarian city beer festival. Thanks for all your support and more success@twinner, these are great memories as I am a big fan of Love Parade Berlin, thanks for sharing.
Tolle Impressionen.
Great impressions.
Thank you.
Vielen Dank Andreas.
Haha, genial, bekommt 100% Vote - leider Power noch am recovern, klasse Bericht - vermisse die Parade!
Vielen Dank Uwe.
Mann, das waren noch Zeiten! Ich war zwar selber nie dort, dafür war meine älteste Tochter zu einer der letzten LP. Mit den Techno-Beats bin ich dann auch zu Hause beschallt worden haha.... Danke dir für den Rückblick, toller Artikel!
Vielen Dank Sabine. Die Paraden im Ruhrgebiert habe ich dann nicht mehr so mitbekommen.
Loveparade war auf jeden Fall besser als Kölner Karneval und Co. Eins der Lieder die ich immer mal wieder gerne Pumpe hat eigentlich nen bitteren Beigeschmack wenn man bedenkt was mit der Loveparade passiert ist. Ist scho schad drum.
From 1997 Berlin's Love Parade to 2017 Berlin in twenty easy steps.The path is there.Reminiscing sometimes does the trick.Thank you!~ @twinner for this trip down memory lane.Bless!
Thank you very much @kornocopia.
Das waren noch Zeiten! Ich war zwar nie dort, aber die LP war damals in aller Munde! Eigentlich war es noch schöner damals, heute müsste man schon Angst vor einem Anschlag haben, bei so einer Veranstaltung.
Ja, leider. Heute kann man nicht mehr so unbeschwert zu Massenveranstaltungen gehen wie damals.
wow solche impressionen hatte ich bisher noch nie von der früheren loveparade :D hau ich mal bei mir an die wand
Vielen Dank @luxurylifestyle. Kam mir auch manchmal ein wenig dämlich vor mit der Kamera rumzurennen, auch wenn sie sehr klein war.
time fly way too fast. I am glad we are all making memories.
20 years ago I probably was watching cartoons. That must be such an experiance. Thank you for sharing the photos with us :)
20 years, sometimes unbelievable how much the world has changed since 1997.
Very true!
This looks like so much fun! Good pictures
If LoveParade would be still alive, we should have our own STEEM truck there. Maybe we start such a thing in Lisbon. Dr. Motte startet in Berlin in 1989 with 50 people :-)
I want one more Loveparade ... just one more time :(
Just organize one :-)
Nice - I love time-travelling!
Thank you very much @sroka87
The blurred face really scared me haha.
It looked so real despite the clear blurring.
Amazing photographs, looks like everyone had great fun!
I blurred it with iPhoto on OSX, seems to be a good filter :-)
Looks like a great summer party even when it was sometime back
Yes, was a great party weekend :-)
Pin ich an mein Brett. Schöne Erinnerung :-)
Vielen Dank @lichtblick
Wow very interesting!! Th clothes are different, but parties look like they were the same as now. People always had fun, drank and danced. You remember it really well!! Thank you for sharing with us! was really good read!
Thank you very much alla. A lot of the people there were also on drugs like extacy, and there were also some drug dealers on the streets. For drinking there were official beverage dealers with their mobile shops on both sides of the street, and a lot of inofficial dealers pulling icewater-filled barrels with cooled cans of beer, cola or water through the crowd.
Wie eine Zeitmaschiene xD
Ja :-)
Ach die Loveparade... lange ist es her :D
Ich war einmal dort. War zuviel für mich haha
Zuviel Leute? :-)
Ja auf jeden Fall.. aber einmal dabei gewesen zu sein war auch toll :D
In welchem Jahr warst Du?
Hahah.. keine Ahnung.. kann ich wirklich nicht sagen..
Ist Teil meiner verdrängten Erinnerungen :D
Andere Frage.. Schon meine Schmetterlinge gesehen? :))
Ja, gerade eben. Komme leider mit durchschauen von /created/deutsch nicht mehr hinterher.
Uh danke für deinen großzügigen Vote :)
Ja du armer, mach mal eine Pause.. aber vorher guck nochmal den hier an haha.
Ist was ganz spezielles :D
Wow, I like especially the snapshot with "Jägermeister" because at this time, when you had only films with 24 or 36 pictures, you reflected twice, if you took the picture or not. But nevertheless, sometimes such a lucky shot was possible. Today, maybe you would make a quick clip with your phone and take the picture out there.
Besides, I expected that the clothes were a little bit different but I think the most things we see on the pictures could be worn today as well :-) I don't remember this time well because I was only 12 years old.
I think I had 2 or 3 films with 36 pictures each in my pockets. There were a lot of better styled people in the streets, but often it was not possible to make photos because all were standing so close to each other.
This is really a nice retrospective.
Years fly by so fast.
Thank you very much @poss
those pics are amazing and that seems to be a nice event I like this post ;)
Thank you very much @othmanesl
Da ging richtig die Party ab😆
Ja, ging ab wie Fußpilz :-)
Very nice!
It looks brilliant, I wish I had the chance to go there.
Thank you very much @rufaz.
Those were the days..
Exactly ;-)
What a cool idea! That was a lot of fun, thanks for the trip down memory lane :-) @roused
Thank you very much @roused.
Wow the memories from 20 years ago come very clear in this post like it was just yesterday :) I enjoyed reading this a lot and seeing what it was like 20 years ago the parties look better then than they do now
I have no clue if the partys now are worse than in the nineties, but it is possible to have a good time and party in every decade.
Yes that is true! it's who makes the party I suppose ;)
Upvoted und resteemed :-) Ich war auch da ;-)
Danke Dir. Und das dachte ich mir, dass Du da auch dabei warst, war ja quasi ein Heimspiel :-)
It's nice to remember the good old times, thanks for your story and pictures.
Thank you very much @bluemoon.
Great music, Full House, no Smartphones, no violence just freedom.Wow @twinner, that must have been an outstanding experience.
Yes, and the best thing it was for free (despite of the train ticket) :-)
MAAAN! Look at all the outfits!
What outfits? Half of the people are nearly naked.
Der Hammer wie die Zeit vergeht...Coole Fotos Stefan ;)
Wart ihr da auch gewesen?
Ich nicht aber frage mal @homeartpictures ....😉
Auf der Ampel saß er vermutlich nicht, die wäre sonst abgebrochen :-)
times might not live forever ... but memories do :)
Good point @utfull.
After I finished, reading I scrolled down the photos again and I looked at the one without face for a second! What came to me was "American gods" the series and this fella! haha :D
Looks like a lot of fun! Always nice to look back and some photos of some adventures :)
I was not aware of this TV series.
I was not quite one yet. Are these still going on?
No, first they stopped it in Berlin due to financial problems and environmential issues (one million people peeing half a day long in a public city park damages the meadow). Then they moved to Ruhr Region, until 2010 21 people died in a mass panic. This was the end. See for details https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love_Parade
This post receiver 99% upvote from @xdark21 with 0.01$ really good job man you will be a millionaire son. Great post
Wow sounds like such a cool event to attend that era was a special time in some ways it's gone downhill since then we need more peace love and understanding in the world
I remember those times when we went there as youngsters every year. Different times, different way of thinking, no fear of terror attacks, people stand up and demonstrate in this creative way. Not possible today anymore.
Tolle Eindrücke! Ich hatte das Glück ein paar Mal auf der Love Parade zu sein als sie für ein paar Jahre vor dem Unglück nach NRW zog. Tolle Veranstaltungen ohne Gleichen mit vielen tollen Erinnerungen.
Really, talent is needed to make same this post.
I have to learn a lot and I hope to can make same this post in future!!
In one day I will visit Berlin..
Thanks for sharing with us this good content
I enjoyed also the videos..
Thanks also for the continue support to my work