I was nominated via The Little Worm Farmer and Talltuk, and even tho I've done this before its been a while and I'm feeling rather disjointed and aimless so I will bugger the rules a bit and have fun.
The Contest Rules are:
Seven (or more) black and white images that represent an aspect of your life. {I reserve the right to interpret black and white from an artistic standpoint for the sake of creativity and a bit of saucy fun}
Present one image every day for seven days. {days may be non consecutive}
No people. {animals and other living objects are perfectly acceptable}
No explanation. {heh most of them won't need explanation}
Nominate someone every day, but anyone can join the fun. {meh, this is all self nomination at this point cause everyone has done this at least once and it's getting old}
Use the tag - #sevendaybnwchallenge - as one of your five tags. {sure|}
Today I nominate YOU because you are reading this post. Go for it.
Great photos!
I like the top two. The first one has an interesting texture in the foreground. In the second one, I like that blue tinge, love the contrast, the most that is standing out in the far background, those clouds that standout more than in the first photo and for respecting the rule of thirds lol.
ty. i actually like the bottom one the best. i like the oriental print feel of it, very simple yet stark and grainy. almost appears to be snowing in the picture, and the read gives it a surreal essence.
Welcome every good people on earth@torico
I am sure you will want to be discouraged, if you do not please visit my bloq, i hope you can give input to my writing themedI agree with you @torico Previously I apalogize if to comment because it does not fit the topic. But I'm sure you're a nice and caring person, I'm pretty sure you're a great person of course, I'm very motivated with you @torico you love to travel, on the go , you see abandoned children, I am sure you are a caring, loving and loving person so you can give a little smile to those children, it will be nice even when the valentine has passed.
(Save the children)
Hey man... cool landscapes, i like the colors in the composition of the photo.
ty !! this is what i look at each day. I'm quite lucky
Wow it must be cool, i need to see it live
That pic looks stunning ..... and finally finally, I got nominated lol :)

Thank you @torico haha
yay!!! i nominate tanish!
nice post :D