SteemitPhotoChallenge #3 entry - Abandoned History

This is from my trip to a vintage vehicle junkyard yesterday. This old Federal tow truck is now no longer, a relic left out in the elements. Seeing these cars give off the feeling that something has died that once was full of purpose and thought of as new during a time long ago. To me, that time in history is now "desolate". The amount of amazing old vehicles was stunning - all could be restored. The Federal company started making trucks in 1908. This is my last entry for this challenge, taken on android LG.


These trucks don't look all that bad. I've seen cars that were in much worse looking condition being restored. I suppose it all depends on their potential value after restoration. Nice picture.

Love it, you don't see this sort of thing where I live. Cars are scrapped after just 10 years on the road.

Thanks! I was in awe at the age and quality of cars - the man that let me on the property was not nearly as enthused :)

It looks like "Mate" Crane movie "cars"

Wow, they are beautiful! I especially like the one in the back.

I've heard lots of people in the US take pride in restoring classic passenger cars, but what about trucks? Is there such a thing as collectible trucks?

Thanks! Here is a sample of how many and the condition. Restoration of old trucks is increasing, at least here in the US.

Makes me think how things we consider modern today will look some 100 years later in a museum or someone's back yard. How will they feel about a Segway? or a smartphone? or Steem?

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