Cranking up the color saturation on your camera is a great way to produce vivid pictures with little to no editing requirements; especially when doing landscape, architecture, or wildlife photography. While not true to the actual colors, it easily provides a much wilder array of colors in your photographs similar to the beauty of infrared cameras. It is not recommended to use while shooting portraits as over saturated skin tones are not pretty.
If your camera has options for standard, neutral, vivid, and monochrome, choose VIVID and then begin to increase the saturation to the level you like. Increasing the sharpening helps tremendously in certain environments. Below are a few pictures of dogs with and without increased saturation.
Nikon D300 with +0 saturation
Nikon D300 with +0 saturation
Nikon D300 with +3 saturation
Nikon D300 with +3 saturation
Nikon D300 with +3 saturation
GIMP is my saturation weapon of choice - lovely canine by the way!