Phone cameras have come such a long way! Great photo, I would of never even thought this was taken with a phone had I not read the article. I was just looking at the Samsung S8 active, and playing with its phone in the store. Really impressive. Thinking about getting one before my next vacation and leaving the DSLR at home.
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Very cool. And you're right. The progress has been amazing. Granted, there will be some limitations to how they will capture the world around you, but that's just the nature of the size of their components. The smaller the sensor and lens you use, the more it has to rely on software to accomplish a faux version of what DSLRs can do (if that's what you're after). For example, while the 2x duo lens on the iPhone 7 Plus is impressive, the "Portrait" mode the camera can be used in is kind of a joke. It's a digital blurring of the background of a subject in real time for image capture. Sometimes it works better than others, but even then if you look really close you can see what a hackjob it's doing around the edges of the main subject. lol