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RE: My "3-A-Day" Posting Challenge ~ 📷 Happy Humpday Underwater Photography

in #photography7 years ago

Ok, I think those pictures were very tasteful. I guess being busy is a good thing, Hows the hydro going? I sighned up for whaleshares and will follow you once arrpoved, Is thier some way to fast track that and buy tokens or is it just for early addapters right now?


Hey, Hydro is on a temporary pause while I'm doing a rebuild. I was running it in the busted up condition after last year's hurricane, but I decided to take it apart and redo it. :-)

For Whaleshares.... if you have a Bitshares account that held more than 1.5 BTS or WHALESHARE tokens on August 1st then you would be included in the sharedrop. You can use the create/claim process to come in now. It is 250 WHALESHARE fee from now until Sept 1st, then it drops to just 1 WHALESHARE through Sept 15th. After that it goes back to normal signup.

Any accounts that were pending for the testnet (beta) got cleared out, so you would need to signup again.

If you need help let me know I am in discord, along with many others who can help. :-)