
This little beauty let me get quite close until she flew, but she came back a few times. Unfortunately there was a lot wind today, but some shots became sharp enough :)

Oh, I know you cannot sit still - it's not so bad with me, but I have to force myself to sit and relax, even after a photo subject has gone, like the Beautiful Demoiselle today has left and I stayed there for a short time :)

That’s cool it stayed around long enough for you to get shots
My walk fed and infact most of the family here can quite happily sit and relax I am the odd one out
Even after a meal out once I am done I want to get up and walking somewhere but of course I can’t and I am a quicker eater so the wait for everyone else to be done feels like an eternity to me lol

I can understand you - when we eat somewhere in a restaurant I want to leave as soon as I am finished, and when you have a colleague like mine, who eats very slow, that I am sometimes finished, while he still eats the soup, then I get nervous. This was even more annoying for me, before I quit smoking last year ;)

I used to use smoking as an Excuse i would duck out for one while the others finished eating, and then walk around a bit very unsocial I know but I used to get away with it LOL

Yes, me too - I also went outside for a cigarette, sometimes even twice ;)

We have so much in common

But the funniest thing is the Kiwi, which I am using for years now. It was one of my first macro photos 😁

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