Barnes and Noble Union Square

in #photography7 years ago

Who still reads actual paper books these days

Barnes and Noble.jpg

This is the Barnes and Noble building by Union Square Park

A pretty cool building but it did make me wonder, with all the mobile devices and e-readers who still reads actual paper books

Do you still read paper books or do you read on a mobile device of some kind

I myself used to be a great paper back book reader, would read minimum 2 or 3 a week, I still read a fair bit but nowadays all my books are in eFormat and I read them on a tablet device, how about you?

Which also brings me to a second question

what is the best book you have read recently and any recommendations?

I just finished reading again QB VII which I read first in my Teens

Stay Cool and Steem on

These photos taken by me using a Sony A6500 mirrorless camera


Beautiful building

Isnt it just I was surprised i had not noticed it before

i not read book now but yes before and my all time favourite is chandan and its only for local city. nice building photography.

Thanks for the visit and kind comments

beautiful view.

Thanks kindly

Ha! You found one of my secret shops! I have spent many hours there. Love books. 📚

I havent been in this one, may have to go there during the day and check it out

Most definitely.

I'm old school I enjoy reading paper books!! there is just something special about getting lost in a book for an afternoon.

Glad to hear there's some that way
That's what crossed my mind while doing this post

About time I read a real book

The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul
-Douglas Adams

That sounds familiar I may have read it already but so long ago I could read it again


Same guy that wrote Hitchiker's Guide

Yes I recognized the name, I have read the Hitch hikers guide 3 times I think, one of my all time favorites

Don't forget your towel!

Indeed, how could I go without it

I like the smell, feel, sound and taste of a real book. I like to re-read them and keep them safe, and treasure them like old buddies. I love that photo you took. Union Square and Barnes and Noble, what a combo!

Yes thats a valid point the fell and smell of a book, I may just have to get one its been to long since I read one on paper


Paper only. True oldtimer!
Nice shot.

I wonder what mad me change up until a few years ago I was the same but on my commuting I have got into reading on my tablet


It's like a self-driving car for me. No joy. I like to feel and smell the paper and turn the pages. Then stick some toothpick or notepaper between pages to mark where I stay. The only problem is time. We out of time!

Yes indeed times are sure changing and sometimes far to fast

I still love to read paper books. But I only check them out from the library. I've moved several times in the past few years and have come to see just how heavy boxes of books are! I have gotten rid of most of the paper books I owned. Now if I'm going to purchase a book, I make sure it is an ebook. A little sad about that, but...I had to save my sanity in packing! Very nice shot!

That's a very good point and now that you mention it probably why I got into ebooks I used to move so much and the book boxes where always so heavy I ended up giving so many away

Not that I don't foresee moving but one more time maybe it's time I read the odd paperback

Well, which ever form we read in, we are to be grateful we can read and enjoy doing so :) All the best!

That's true we should be greatful indeed

Nice shot man, that's a gorgeous building. My preference is to read paper books but i have a large volume of books on my mobile devices for travel. The book im currently reading is Chris Hadfield's 'An Astronauts Guide to life on Earth'.

Doing this post I realized even though I enjoy reading paperback books I have been reading only on my tablet for the last few years

Thanks for the recommendation I will check it out

Definitely read it, I find it an interesting book as well as inspiring.

I will swing by a book shop one day this week and pick it up

I read both!

I used to be all Paper, and somehow have switched to all ebooks on my tablet

Enticing edifice !