Standing alone is something we often think we do but is actually quite rare since who we are is the sum total of all that we have experienced and learned which means all of the people we have encountered have become a part of us. They stand behind us and support us or in some cases, tear us down when we have identified with the teachings of those who limit us.
Support comes in many forms however and is not only the pat on the back and words of encouragement that fill us with the power to continue. Sometimes, it is the harshness and slap on the face we require to wake us from whatever fantasy world we have chosen to delude ourselves in and pay attention to the reality of the situations that actually affect us. Often it is not a person that shakes us to consciousness but an experience that rips us apart and leaves us broken on the floor.
People fear these events, the ones that fundamentally shift the status quo and change every experience that is to come after as most prefer the better the devil you know approach even though what they know is nowhere near what they want. People would much rather suffer the slings and arrows of familiar than shoot for something uncertain in case what arrives comes with even more suffering. But, to experience different requires movement and for large differences, revolutions may be required.
I was talking with a friend last night about the state of the world and she asked What if it is too late to change course? As I see it, only in death is it too late and there is only one course to change to make life valuable, and that is the one of the individual. There are many ways to do this yet, waiting for the wind to steer the ship is likely not going to take anyone where they may want to be, nor is relying on others to take the wheel.
We are limited in our capacity as to what we can affect in this world and even though we may work to have more influence over it, the first and foremost step is to learn to captain ourselves through whatever weather may come. This is not a solo journey even though it may feel lonely at times, it is the compounding of countless lives of the past that have nudged us to be a little better than we were a moment before. But, when it comes to taking the steps forward or back, left or right, only one person can make the move.
[ a Steemit original ]
yes its always not the person who wakes you up from the deep slumber of ignorance and failure its the facts and the reality that wakes you up. For me its most the reality that kicks me off my bed of comfort to the thorns of hardships but the petal's bed of comfort is an illusion that won't last even though every single person knows that
they still keep lying to their selves I will do it later I can do it later but that later never comes until they loose everything.
And yes it is only too late to change the course of world when its the call of death.
Firstly I coudn't believe these pictures are real, but to be 101% honest these Clicks are SIMPLY OUTSTANDING
It has always been the proverbial 'Slaps in the Face' they have made me pay attention to reality. And Yes. I have had people who have shored me up as much as I have had people who have tried to tear me down.
In the end I chose to see the 'glass half full' and not' half empty'
I think the slaps are the most valuable lessons as they are much better remembered.
Yes, it is always the slaps that are remembered, that is obviously 'human nature.'
Truly, it is only in death that it is too late to change course. The fear of the unknown has kept people in so many abusive relationship, hostile work environment, extremist religion. Most people only hope but I learned early enough that hope is not an action plan. Thank you @tarazkp, I hope this message will ignite something in most of us to take the wheel in our own journey.
There is nothing wrong with hoping when it is supporting actions in the attempt.
Yes, I meant to put it that hope alone is not an action plan.
But hope is a very vital instruments that we all need, hope gives us the strength keep fighting when we would have given up long ago.
Hope keeps a lot of people from the path of self condemnation and suicidal acts.
But as you clearly pointed it out, it should be backed by actions.
So refreshing, i realize sometimes we tend to think we can have influence over our societies before we know we have failed to have influence over ourselves sometimes. Maybe we should always start with ourselves as well.
That's a nice way of putting it---we are never really alone as the people we have encountered, especially those with huge impact in our lives, will always be part of who we are. ❤ This thought gives me comfort. Thank you @tarazkp !
Wow, I was meant to stumble apon this post. You have made me stop and think. At times I can get distracted, and then someone like your self gentle slaps the sausage and I’m back on the right path. That’s the last two posts (yours included ) that have reminded me of my true direction! you @tarazkp may slap this sausage again! Ps don’t be fooled by the name... I am a girl (but love the word sausage, and have a sausage x jack russel dog) Lovely to have stumbled in your general direction regards @steemsausage
I have seen you in chat slapping sausage there so welcome here also.
Ha ha ha!! Come say hi again soon!! Don’t slap the sausage to hard!!
Beautifully crafted article Taraz. Such beautiful images and uplifting reflections on 'the one' that can feel alone and yet is never alone.
And who knows the extent of the influence every single one of us may be having, at all moments of our lives, on not only our friends and family, but stangers in the street, animals and all life.
We may be feeling intensely fragmented at times, but we learn and grow. And even in our darkest hours, if we can manage a smile, it can lighten us and perhaps even change someone else's day. 🦋
I would like to thank you because photography and word both is special .both have some special meaning. And learning us some thing special .you have done great work . I always time wait your post .because your every post is special .special for all users and humanity .
I am very happy to follow you .maybe all users.
Yes, it's not a solo journey.
I wouldn't be half the person i am if it wasn't for a few people. We need support from the people close to us. It's human nature
In life one can only do such as their effort in a bid to affect the world, no matter what, the only way may be a jointed effort, if not our lives may not notice so much changes.
The fear of the unknown is what holds us back from discovering and achieving the impossible. That's is why we need to surround ourselves with positive stimulants in the form of mentors, critics, family, friends even enemies to challenge, motivate and bring to the fore what is already inside us.So you are right @tarazkp when you say the people we experience and the lessons we learn plays a huge role in shaping us to the person we are today.
very beautiful scenery.good👈👍
Nice post i have interest on this post am going to resteem it
Its simply superb. Which camera did you use? have you used any editing softwares or just straight out of camera lens xx
An Eritrean Proverb says and I quote "its more dangerous not to try at all than to try and fail".
Sometimes, fear and negativity takes a better toll on us and we end up not even making an attempt.
Your message is so clear. Only in death can a person seize to make effort.
I'll wrap up with this cuz today is a sunday. Lol.
The holy book says " if your Faith be as SMALL as a MUSTARD SEED, you can say to a MOUNTAIN, be thou MOVED, and it would SURELY OBEY".
In Essence, Faith as small as a mustard seed is our little daily positive efforts, and the Mountain is the daily storms, challenges, societal and moral decadence.
Our little positive efforts would really go a long way to change things no matter how bad or huge it is.
Thanks @tarazkp and a happy Sunday to you
I thank you for all that I have done. I wish you success with all my heart.Always distinguished and wonderful dear brother @tarazkp in sending your messages to us. They are very purposeful messages to our community. Your thoughts are so beautiful I agree with you in all of this.
Very nice picture Taraz!!!!🖤
I am on the moment traveling alone in Asia, and I feel like there are everywhere around me people who care about me! People who offer me a roof when its raining or simply tell me the way when I am a little lost. When I smile at the people, mostly they give me a smile back. The world is connected with many possibilities! Just go for it, try your best and live in the moment! Life is awesome ☺
Another wee gem Sir!
Self governance is key with a nod to those people and circumstances that make us who we are.
My greatest triumphs have come from adversity.
The good of the world can influence their personal sphere for the good of all and you + you + you + I can make the world a better place.
No need for despair ~ all will be well.
( I have an initiative I wish to get off the ground and would welcome your thoughts/advice if you have a moment Taraz ~ perhaps you or someone you know here can/may be interested in getting involved? if you have time you can read more here.)
Have a great Sunday.
I think everyone has experienced at least something of what you write. Often slapping is a push, that makes you get out of your comfort zone, but it's for your own good
Amazing blog sir just wonderful :):)
First of all, I want to say that I like these pictures so much, the second one is my favourite, I like both colours and composition.
Second, I too think that the sum of our encounters is part of who we are.
You talk here about persons or bad happenings that made us better. I 've recently learned about a clinical psychologyst, dr. Jordan B. Peterson, who says that we overcome the suffering of life by beeing better persons. Do you know him, do you agree?
It's a bit hard to view the slaps in the face as loving and supportive, but they often are. We dislike whatever disagrees with us, without realizing that they might be acting in our favor.
I see this in myself - I can be incredibly stubborn about some things, regardless of how many times people close to me try to slap me out of it. I guess you're right and, in the end, it's up to the individual.
The slaps in the face are lessons - you may choose to take them or leave them and each choice will somehow impact your life. I think that's where the change starts, when you decide to take the lesson.
we definitely are the sum of experiences and learnings and from that perspective we can never be really alone
What doesn't kill you make you stronger or something...
Well, I usually like to avoid slaps and try not to screw things up. :) On the other hand, I think people are often too afraid to say their opinions out loud and do things because they are afraid of being slapped. That's a shame in some cases.