I spent the day with three separate clients today but in some way, the theme was the same. Opportunity. One in particular stood out though, a guy who I haven't been training very long, wanting to advance in his company and has even applied to a position that he wants. He is unlikely to get it though as unlike some of my other clients, he is not what you would call proactive.
Even though technically capable, the position he has aimed for is one that requires a deep understanding of people, the ability to work with a diverse mix of talent and field, and a strong willingness to continually build relationships. His current role, he prefers to do via email as it is 'unnecessary' for him to do it face to face.
What he doesn't realise though is that I work with the people he emails a lot also and in my dealings, it is imperative that he gets in front of them more often than the few times a year he does. Not for him, for them. And this is the issue he has failed to realise, even though he has technical skills, he has failed with the interpersonal, the skills required to not only do the job, but to also get the job.
Many fail to realise how important relationships and the ability to build them matter. Yes, for the most part, technical capabilities are vital but, they are expected generally expected prerequisites. It is what lays off the paper and CV that separates the average from the good and everyone seems to believe that what they currently possess is adequate even though they have never actually actively learned, observed or even thought about them before.
We are all blind to ourselves in many ways and often do not realise we are deficient in some areas that may hinder us from getting to where we want to be. For my client, he is likely to be disappointed with the results this time however, it gives us some focal points to work upon in the future and maybe at some point, he will get another opportunity at it. The difference being, he will be much better prepared to take it.
[ a Steemit original ]
The photos in this set are from the streets and canals of Amsterdam.
Good relationships at the workplace are important, but sometimes it may be difficult if someone tries to stab you all the time.
That's why it's so important to have friends around who can tell us when we're making mistakes. Then we can correct what we're doing wrong and succeed.
It's like having a friend tell you that there's spinach in your teeth. It's slightly embarrassing, but it saves you from having spinach in your teeth in front of other people, say a potential employer, a potential client, your father-in-law. All these are people who might be less understanding of your "flaw" but by having a friend help you, you're better positioned to succeed.
Love the pictures. The B&W really pops!
Yes, it is good to have a small group of reliable people smarter than you to be around :)
@tarazkp Beautiful pictures of Amsterdam! for me, if you are going to work in an environment that requires communication often, you might as well exert an effort and brush up your intersocial relationship. Sometimes it is the way you market yourself to get the job. It is not only your ability to do the job but do you have the capability to communicate with your client. I've seen some people rose up to management position even though skills wise, they are lacking but they can awesomely communicate to their both to their superiors and inferiors.
I see this often too. These days, so many jobs have been combined that it is near impossible to possess all skills at high levels. Communication ability however makes up for a lot of the skill dips.
Building interpersonal relationships is a quest I'm on. I discovered not too long ago that, my introversion wasn't doing me much good.
There is nothing wrong with being introverted unless it gets in the way of you doing what you want.
Lately, It seems to get in the way.
Amsterdam looks amazing. I'd love to see the shots in color too!
Perhaps I will put them at some stage :)
So, how did you handle it? Did you inform him of his deficiency and the need for him to develop certain aspects and skills or you want him to learn it the hard way? And in a situation like this, what informs your decision?
He hasn't got the result so I didn't push otherwise he may feel silly for trying. The hard way will arrive and we will dissect it then. But, we talked at length about the value in spending time developing relationships and various ways to do so.
For each client, the approach is different as some people react well to criticism, some poorly. For this particular person, being too forward will make him withdraw so I take a less direct approach.
I wish my voting power means anything.... thank you very much. Its like am taking a management class already.
Very beautiful architecture
Showing the true beauty europe. #tarazshots
I described myself as anti-social guy for many years. I couldn't even communicate people i know for years. When i started to work for a company, they wanted to make me "sales consultant". I told them that i don't have the skills for it but they didn't listen.
So after 2 months i was the best worker that communicates with people and bring customers. Now i have self-confidence and realized looking into someone's eyes and telling them what you think is not hard. As long as you mean well.
Really great post and amazing pictures.
Meaning well goes a long way in this world and in sales, doing what is right by the customer will make more money in the long-term than short gains based on immediate profit.
I strongly agree, doing the right thing, being honest will always make you better in the long-term. Even if it's not about the money but the humanity. Realizing yourself, your capabilities is priceless. Thank you for reminding me the time i realized myself and got out from my shell.
what an amazing place this is!! just speechless
most welcome ..
des belles photos
these are amazing perfect shot love it it would be really much better with colour i think :)
for me i think i know pretty good the important so that i can say that i'm sociable person thank you for the post friend
.. Many fail to realize how important relationships and ability to build them matter.." I desire to build a relationship with you sir.. @tarazkp.. Because I know how important it is to me.
Stunning pictures! Giving @rubencress a run for his money ;)
As someone planning to follow the digital nomad route I found this post extremely interesting. Even though it is not what digital nomads tend to do I might indeed make sure I get some face to face time with clients.
Nice captures @tarazkp! makes me want to travel like crazy!
When were you in Amsterdam Taraz? Love the black and white images. A personal touch and connection is all we need to adapt and get a better understanding of the person we talk to. Would love to see you do a post about bodylanguage and how much this is saying about the things we actually say using body language than the words we choose.
It was the Apocalypse... or, the students were all in a café enjoying life.