Thoughts, Words and Photos (Fourteen)

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

Feeling small on the blockchain? A little ant surrounded by giants? How about in the real world? Just out of curiosity I wonder if people feel more or less in control of their experience here than in their walking lives. Do people think about this? Do people spend time comparing their range of experiences and how they react and relate to them in the differing positions of real versus digital life?

I get the impression that many tend to take the online experience of life very seriously and at Steemit, I feel that people are much more invested in their personal experience here than say at their job or with their friends. I am unsure if this is a good or bad thing as of yet but, if being here makes people think more deeply and take more responsibility for their experience, I think it will spill over into life in general.

Perhaps because of the way the site operates, people feel much more control over their actions and responses and feel that they have a chance to affect it rather than just be a victim of the system. Sure, people are still largely at the mercy of things outside of their control but it is possible that more people to a greater degree feel some influence over experience and are therefore more likely to act.

It could also be a feedback loop benefit where actions are almost immediately observable and traceable here whereas in the real world, so much of what goes on is actually largely blind to us, even when we are directly involved, let alone when we are not. It is quite a unique situation to be privy if we choose to many conversations that are normally behind closed doors. We might not always like what we see or what is said but, isn't it better to have the information available?

As blockchain technologies become ubiquitous it is going to get very interesting to track all of these different interactions and match them up to societal trends and shifts. It is going to be analysts from many fields dreams come true. I wonder what it will say about me? You? Will anyone look at the little ants stepping from leaf to leaf?

[ a Steemit original ]


Perhaps because of the way the site operates, people feel much more control over their actions and responses and feel that they have a chance to affect it rather than just be a victim of the system.

I think this statement gets to the heart of why this kind of technology is so impactful! Growing up we're taught get a good education to get a good job to make enough money to live. This doctrine worked well for older generations but as the world has changed around us it's no longer quite as viable. It's left that have pursued it with jobs that may be substandard compared to their parents. For example, I make a little more money than did my parents at my age yet find it nigh impossible to own a home in the same vicinity. Now, that's not a complaint. I'm trying to make the point that these external factors have driven myself, and many people, to maintain the status quo to keep living.

This is where Steemit is awesome by given financial incentive for people to be creative and try new things. Working at a large corporation can leave one with a small-fish-in-a-large-pong complex but then come here and create some truly amazing content that influence a whole world of people. I believe it's a truly magnificent thing and am surely glad it exists.

There are definitely imbalances in comparison to older generations and the value of work has not kept up with the inflation rate for decades. As jobs get harder and harder to get due to automation, the problem is only going to get worse.

I think the one thing that is different on steemit is the transparency.

You know where everyone else stands in the grand scheme of things so it's easier to know where you stand in relation.

It is a big factor for me as to why I like it. It shocks many though who are less used to what goes on behind closed doors in the real world though.

yeah - it's kind of funny that it mimics real life scenarios - i wrote a blog about it a few weeks ago.

for example all the stuff going on with the whales fighting eachother etc - and minnows offering their 2 cents and getting caught in the crossfire etc... it's almost analygous to what happens in the real world...

Its an open world out here. If the ant focus its energy and work efficiently am sure it will move rocks and be noticed.

And just to appreciate, you got great skills at photography? Where those shots taken by you?

1 pebble at a time.
Yeah they were taken in the summer :)

I had assumed the photos were super ultra professional stock material... you took those @tarazkp?!?! I'm in awe!

(ant is my spirit totem, lol)

not a bad one considering the power to weight ratio :)

Yeah. We shouldn't look down on ourselves. No matter what, we should push ahead until victory is achieved.

I feel like I have the capability to make a difference or impact here still. I'm still small, but the amount that I've grown in the last month is huge, and I look forward to continually growing still!

I agree with your thoughts. What difference will all this make and what do our little parts mean?
Great detail in these Macros. Cool photos!

Absolutely amazing photographs @tarazkp. I think about what you are expressing here often. While I want to be part of this new paradigm in the world of Crypto that we are co-creating and observing unfold, I also want to stay connected to nature and its beauty. To all that is organic and feeds the soul in ways that technology never will. Because, I am so aware of this I am taking the time for balance. It is easy to stay glued to your screen and forget about the real world. But, the lines are becoming a bit blurry aren't they? Thanks for the reminder, the beautiful images and your part in co-creation here on Steemit. 🙏

@tarazkp Good analysis. Steemit is very appealing and rewarding to everyone. Thats the beauty of decentralized platform. And the reward is instantaneous. On the other hand, the real world it depends upon what type of job you have. If you are a beginner in Steemit,dont rely on it alone as your primary source of income.

I think that the people on Steemit can feel smaller than in real life since here it is very easy to compere with others - you just have to look at their readily available wallet, and even if you don't, you get to see the worth of their articles and comments and reputation etc.

On the bright side, it is like a family, without a strict specialization, with most of the people being open-minded, and thus making it easier to express you real thoughts and feelings.

Cheers! : )

Edit: P.S. Great photography!

you just have to look at their readily available wallet, and even if you don't, you get to see the worth of their articles and comments and reputation etc.

This is true but it also gives something tangible whereas in the real world, you see very little as to why someone may be doing better or worse. For me, this is more empowering than deflating.

Good note, transparency is indeed beneficial for understanding and improving growth, thanks for pointing out and expanding my thoughts. : )

Again with the deep stuff. I love it.

I think you're right, at least for me. Because it's online I tend to have more time to think about what I want to say. In person, I can talk a little more off-the-cuff, and sometimes say things I shouldn't.

On Steemit, I have more time to think and craft a response. It doesn't always land as well as I'd like since people can't see my facial expressions and hear my intonation, but generally people get my meaning.

Hopefully the fact that it's blockchain-based and can't be edited or deleted after 7 days gives people cause to think about their posts, and not say something to hurt others. After all, it will be preserved until the blockchain dies.

Hopefully the fact that it's blockchain-based and can't be edited or deleted after 7 days gives people cause to think about their posts, and not say something to hurt others.

A lot of people don't seem to realise all the edits are traceable also.

Having a little extra time to respond you'd think that there would be a lot better responses from more people :D

I dont know if I really notice how others are doing or compare myself, at least I know it doesnt change my thought process I sorta just stick with what I came here to do.

The bonus for me is being able to help "cool people", that feels good to me. It is the direct impact you can have on someone elses life for the better.

The bonus for me is being able to help "cool people", that feels good to me. It is the direct impact you can have on someone else's life for the better.

I agree with this. As much work as it takes to help some people, I enjoy doing it and giving them the opportunity to grow a bit too. Some people don't see the potential but they will in time.

I do feel small on here, sure. But i also feel like i am growing in size. Not fast, by any means, but in two months, i'm now sitting on 366 SP, by investing only my time in the platform. I realize it's not a lot, but it makes me believe in the fact that i will actually be able to grow.
I will say however, that most of my posts have been pretty dependent on a few big people. I can gain a lot of upvotes, but in the end, it is often a single player who makes up the majority of the payout.

but in the end, it is often a single player who makes up the majority of the payout.

It is the same for many of us who do not get consistent support. 366 is really good in two months these days I think. Steem was worth a 'bit' less when I started so it was easier in some ways to collect but, most people's votes were worthless until HF19. Pretty much to make any decent amounts required the grace of whales.

Sometimes i'm still considering to invest some outside money into steemit, but i don't really have that kind of free money available. In any case, all of my payouts will pretty much be used to power up in the foreseeable future. I have pretty high hopes for steemit :)

Such a thought provoking post. I agree with you in saying that a lot of people in this platform are most likely investing more time and effort here than in their job... I myself am doing so. I'd much rather browse Steemit and engage in the community than go to university (but of course I still do haha).

I always catch myself thinking what I can share in Steemit next, how something would be a great post to write, or who else I can invite here.

I just see myself really putting all my time and effort here. Seeing successful Steemians like you really make me motivated to keep trying harder.

I always catch myself thinking what I can share in Steemit next, how something would be a great post to write, or who else I can invite here.

It makes a lot of people see their world differently. It is a good thing imo

Nice shots, did you use a macro lens for that.?

No, I used extension tubes. Not very handy but cheap and a bit of fun :)

Outstanding photography just love it pic @tarazkp

we would have such dedication and efficiency of an ant