A while ago in Switzerland

in #photography7 years ago



My first proper post wooo

I had the bandwidth issue this week and couldn't do anything, 29kb wtf is that about. Anyway on with the post

Swiss Alps

In 2007 I went with my family to Switzerland, to the Alps near the french border. Unfortunately I can not remember the names of the places. If anyone knows feel free to say :P.

I used my grandads old film camera with auto settings, I haven't seen it in years but I think it was a Pentax with kit lens. One of my first experiences using a real camera.

We stayed in a Chalet on the side of a valley, which I recommend when going to the alps, very warm and pleasant experience. They usually contain wood burning stove and sometimes a wheel of cheese.

Why go to the Alps?

To ski and snowboard of course. First time trying both and sucking hard. We went towards the end of the season so the snow was rather hard

These are most of the photos worth showing, so I hope people enjoy them. For now im out of time so till next time.