photo of boiled green beans

hi all Hive friends? I will post a photo of boiled green beans

This morning I went to meet people in the city area and I stopped at a stall to look for breakfast for all my Hive friends, when I sat on a chair on the table there were boiled green beans.

Boiled green beans are beans that are boiled to be eaten by buyers at the stall where I am sitting. Boiled green beans are rich in protein and vitamins. If we eat boiled beans in the morning, the same goes for stamina and energy after we eat these boiled beans, friends.-Hive friends.

Boiled peanuts, for those of you who eat them just as they are, don't add sugar or sweeteners, in my opinion it's very good because it provides quite a lot of energy and stamina.

Boiled green beans are sold relatively cheaply, if we use sugar it's only IDR 5,000 and if we use milk the price is IDR 10,000 per 1 glass of boiled green beans, my friends.








That's all for my post this time, see you in my next post, all my hive friends
