
Very nicely done. Don't limit yourself to any one medium, though...that's an error that a lot of artists make: limiting their creative output options.

My uncle painted in oil, water colour, acrylic, and anything else he could find that'd stick to a canvas. He did sculpting of anything that could be sculpted...clay, wood name it. Some of the things that he sculpted out of wax, or even "junk" we found on the beach, he ended up casting in bronze.

I could never get him to touch a computer though, and he flatly refused to consider using an airbrush. The first, I can live with, but I really wish he picked up an airbrush...

Anyway, the idea is this: The more different ways you know how to express what's in your mind "in the real world", the more ways you can look at any given project, and it gives you more ideas on how any mental image you have can, and should best be brought to life.

That said....keep kickin' ass and takin' names! You got some talent in thum thar digits, ya does! d=O)

ooo thank you for you big coment! I am very grateful for the attention!

Just keep doing what you're'll get a whole lot more attention over time, I guarantee you!

I haven't got the fingers for that...but I grew up around an incredibly talented artist, so I know TALENT when I see it...and you got it. d=O)


You are very talented artist!

thank you verry much!
