hari ini saya menunjukkan kehidupan ulat betina yang bertelur, dan dijaga oleh ulat bulu laki-laki, yang ditandai dengan warna yang sangat berbeda dari tiga ulat yang saya tunjukkan disini.
today I show the life of a female caterpillar that is laying eggs, and guarded by a male caterpillar, which is marked with a very different color from the three caterpillars that I show here.
Anda juga melihat telur ulat yang dihasilkan oleh ulat ini, sangat putih, yang akan menghasilkan ulat yang berbeda.
You also see the caterpillar eggs produced by this caterpillar, very white, which will produce different caterpillars.
Jangan ke mana-mana, terus nikmati, binatang unik dan langka, yang saya tunjukkan di posting blog saya @sultan-aceh
do not go anywhere, continue to enjoy, animals unique and rare , which I show in my blog post @sultan-aceh
Anda bisa melihatnya di video yang saya tunjukkan di atas, semoga terhibur.
You can see it in the video I showed above, hopefully entertained.
Lihatlah galeri foto yang saya tunjukkan di bawah ini :
Take a look at the photo gallery I show below :
Gambar 1 ( Figure 1 )
Gambar 2 ( Figure 2 )
Gambar 3 ( Figure 3 )
Gambar 4 ( Figure 4 )
Gambar 5 ( Figure 5 )
Gambar 6 ( Figure 6 )
Gambar 7 ( Figure 7 )
semoga apa yang anda lihat di video ini, bisa bermanfaat bagi semua steemian, agar kita bersama-sama membangun tumbuh di komunitas Steemit.
hopefully what you see in this video, can be beneficial for all steemian, that we must together build a grow in a community Steemit.
Terima kasih telah mengunjungi dan melihat fotografi dan video di blog saya
Thank you for visiting and looking photography and video on my blog
@sultan-aceh, siapa pun yang memberikan komentar bagus dan panjang,
menurut gambar posting, untuk mencegah terjadinya SPAM Komentar di STEEMIT
Anda akan mendapatkan upvote bagus dari saya.
@sultan-aceh, anyone who gives good comment and long
according to picture posting, to prevent the occurrence of SPAM Comments in STEEMIT
you will get a nice upvote from me.
salam @sultan-aceh
regards @sultan-aceh
• Camera Photo Handphone Samsung J3 - 2016
• Camera Video Handphone Samsung J3 - 2016
• Location Indonesia forest - aceh
• Videographer @sultan-aceh
• Photographer @sultan-aceh
I'm following #xpilarcontest
The answer from me the corresponding picture from post @sultan-aceh is picture no. 1
I also have reestem, upvote post him and you.
Hi @ir3k
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 8"
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Hai bg @sultan-aceh and @xpilar .. I participated in the #xpilarcontest you created with @sultan-aceh. I've done resteem, upvote and leave comments.. I give answer on number 1 (figure 1). Thank you..
Hi @iebalgamge
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 8"
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
hello dear @sultan-aceh i am following xpilarcontest "bit of image 8" and my answer for this contest is figure1
i Have resteemed and upvoted your post and post of @xpilar
Hi @mister-dreamer
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 8"
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
I'm following #xpilarcontest
Is picture no. 1
I have reestem, upvote post him and you.
Hi @sky777
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 8"
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
I follow #xpilarkontes. and in my opinion the correct figure is number 1. and i have upvote, resteem.
Hi @asoe-syurga
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 8"
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Dear @sultan-aceh I am following the xpilarcontest " bit of image 8"
My answer for this contest is Gambar 1 ( Figure 1)
I have resteemed and upvoted our post and post of @xpilar
Hi @aymenkhemakhem
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 8"
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
I'm following #xpilarcontest
correct answer from post @ sultan-aceh
is no.1
I have left a comment at post @ sultan-aceh
I have reestem, upvote post @ sultan-aceh
Hi @syamsud
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 8"
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
I'm following #xpilarcontest
My answer from is the corresponding picture from post @sultan-aceh is picture no. 1
This picture from #xpilarcontes
I also have reestem, upvote post him and you.
Hi @halidabahri
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 8"
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
SAYA @adnan-mp saya ingin mengikuti #xpilarkotes yang ada gambar di postingan @sultan-aceh sesuai gambar yang di posting di blok @expilar dan saya akan mempelajari dan menjawabanya di @sultan-aceh dan #xpilarkontes, saya akan reestemed @sultan-aceh dan @xpilar.
Dan setelah saya perhatikan saya telah menemukan gambar yang tepat dan jawab gambar no 1.
dan saya juga akan meninggalkan jawaban di #xpilarkontes
Semoga kali ini mendapat 3 besar dan sangat menyenangkan.
Hi @adnan-mp
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 8"
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
ya jawaban dan pertanyaan sudah saya sertakan di #xpilar kontes, dan telah vote dan resteem @sultan dan @xpular tinggal menunggu hasil kopetisi slm sukses.
yes answers and questions I have included in the #xpilar contest, and has the vote and resteem @ sultan and @xpular just waiting for successful slm kopetisi results.
Hi @adnan-mp
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Teurimeung geunaseh adun atas infor masinya maklum sangkeng bergairah lain di tanya hampir lain jwbn
Ya ya cukop brat meuhee ka adun @sultan-aceh sang karap jeut taeh, semoga mimpi indah untuk eslk hari di sini dan di sana got eh...
The female caterpillar keeps the eggs from being eaten by other animals, which is perfectly natural. I am very fanatical with you because you are very unique in the world of photography. @sultan-aceh
thank very much @anwarabdullah
I'm following #xpilarcontest
The answer from me the corresponding picture from post @sultan-aceh is picture no. 1
I also have reestem, upvote post him and you.
Hi @zawil
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 8"
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Wahh...semakin menarik aja ni,hampir satu bulan saya tidak mampir di blog
bg @sultan-aceh.
Ini memang sangat jelas,menurut pengetahuan kita semua mungkin 99% benar sekali,setiap telur dari ulat akan menetaskan anak ulat yang berbeda warna,persis seperti yang
bg @sultan-aceh jelaskan/sampaikan di atas🙋tadi,
tapi disini saya melihat terdapat dua warna dari tiga ulat tersebut,lalu bagaimana kami bisa mengenali F/M nya,terimakasih banyak untuk jawaban bg @sultan-aceh nantinya,
terima kasih @wynda
I am not sure but I will choose no.1 @sultan-aceh
Hi @isco1
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 8"
you read ....
adjust to the contest rules
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
hi @sultan-aceh, i am so glad to see you and @xpilar make this contest. I want to participate in the #xpilarcontest event this afternoon. I think the image number 1 / figure 1. I've read how to play this contest in @xpilar post. Best regards, @zelaazhari94
Hi @zelaazhari94
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 8"
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
I've done resteem, upvote and comment on post @xpilar. I gave answer nomor 1 in the #xpilarcontest
Hi @racheelsteem
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 8"
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Hey @sultan-ach I am following your post Gambar number1 (Figure1)
Hi @mhyeasin
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 8"
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Hi @sultan-ach I am following your post this post answer is Gambar number 2 and (figure 2)
Hi @h0nest
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 8"
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 2
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Hy @Sultan-aceh saya mengikuti kontes yang diadakan oleh @xpilar dan saya memilih gambar no 1 , saya sudah mengupvote dan resteemit post @Sultan-aceh dan @xpilar
Sesuai dengan peraturan yang diadakan oleh xpilar.
Inilah link kontes yang diadakan oleh @xpilar
Hi @zamzami-jams
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 8"
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
I'm following #xpilarcontest.
A suitable answer from post @sultan-aceh is picture no. 1 ( figure 1 )
I have left comments on post @sultan-aceh, I have reestem, upvote posting him and you.
Thanks you @sultan-aceh
Hi @mr-one
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 8"
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
I'm following #xpilarcontest.
A suitable answer from post @sultan-aceh is gambar 1 (figure 1)
I have left comments on post @sultan-aceh, I have reestem, upvote posting him and you.
Regard from me @sultan-aceh
Hi @birrex
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 8"
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
I participated in a contest held by @xpilar and I chose picture no 1, I have already uploaded and resteemit post @Sultan-aceh and @xpilar
Hi @jeffryphysio
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 8"
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Hii @sultan-aceh
I'm following #xpilarcontest.
A suitable im choose from post @sultan-aceh is (figure 1)
I have left comments on post @sultan-aceh, I have reestem, upvote posting him and you.
Hi @ifulmirwanda
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 8"
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
I'm following #xpilarcontest.
A suitable answer from post @sultan-aceh is picture no 1.
I have left comments on post @sultan-aceh, I have reestem, upvote posting him and you
Hi @fahzi
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 8"
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
I'm following #xpilarcontest.
A suitable answer from post @sultan-aceh is picture no 1 (figure 1)
I have left comments on post @sultan-aceh, I have reestem, upvote posting him and you.
link @xpilar Contest post :
Hi @girang
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 8"
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
I'm following #xpilarcontest.
A suitable answer from post @sultan-aceh is Gambar 1 (figure 1)
I have left comments on post @sultan-aceh, I have reestem, upvote posting him and you.
regard me @imakam
Hi @imakam
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 8"
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
I'm following #xpilarcontest.
A suitable answer from post @sultan-aceh is picture no. 1
I have left comments on post @sultan-aceh, I have reestem, upvote posting him and you.
Post Contest :
Hi @rablo
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 8"
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
I'm following #xpilarcontest.
A suitable answer from post @sultan-aceh is Gambar no 1 (Figure 1).
I have left comments on post @sultan-aceh, I have reestem, upvote posting him and you
Hi @rendo
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 8"
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
I'm following #xpilarcontest.
A suitable answer from post @sultan-aceh is picture no. 1
I have left comments on post @sultan-aceh, I have reestem, upvote posting him and you.
Regaerd me @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Hi @audymacro
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 8"
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
I'm following #xpilarcontest.
A suitable answer from post @sultan-aceh is picture no. 1
I have left comments on post @sultan-aceh, I have reestem, upvote posting him and you.
Hi @rafli
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 8"
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
I'm following #xpilarcontest.
This is picture #xpilarcontest
My answer is picture no. 1 in this post.
I have reestem, upvote posting him and you.
Hi @arfah
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 8"
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
I'm following #xpilarcontest.
A suitable answer from post @sultan-aceh is Gambar no 1 (Figure 1).
I have left comments on post @sultan-aceh, I have reestem, upvote posting him and you
Hi @audymacro
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 8"
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
I'm following #xpilarcontest.
A suitable answer from post @sultan-aceh is Figure 1.
I have left comments on post @sultan-aceh, I have reestem, upvote posting him and you...
Hi @xabi
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 8"
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Yeah...Its an honor....Even if I don't win...
Thanks for the welcome!
But I am jinxed when it comes to draws, I never won in a lucky draw.
As a child I used to think that a witch has casted a spell on me :D
Let see if you can break the spell this time, my friend. ..
happy to hear it @xabi
to all participants, I always hope to win @xabi
Its really amazing photography also animal
Thanks for share dear bro @sultan -aceh
thank very much @mizanuk
Photography and a very cool video thank you for sharing
terima kasih @fikar22
Iya bg @sultan-aceh
Bang @Sultan-aceh, ulat bulu sedang bertelur,. Saya rasa ulat sejenis itu sangatlah gatal bila terkena kulit kita. Tapi sangat lah bagus potret nya
terima kasih @rizallatief
BG yang puteh nyan boh jih nyoeh?
terima kasih @agusctr
Photography yang sangat cantik.
terima kasih @aamaksal
Wooow....mantap, sekali shoot induk dan telur nya dapat...
Ia cool...emang tiada dua nya 👍👍👍
terima kasih @petrodollar
ulat sutra itu ya..?
terima kasih @fahrur
Wow, sangat keren teman,,, ulat bertelur pun mudah abg dapatkan. Sangat bagus teman
terima kasih @fauzanhaikal
dear @sultan-aceh
nice animal in your writing
thank you very much for sharing
thank very much @alaminbinamir
Telur ulatnya putih sangat ya. Seperti kapas. Mungkin ini kali ya yg kata orang bisa dijadikan benang sutra..
terima kasih @halidabahri
Kalau dilihat dari dekat ternyata Ulat bulu yang kita pikir menggelikan ternyata cantik juga,
Terima kasih sudah sharing tentang postingan ulat bulu @sultan-aceh sebelumnya saya tidak pernah memikirkan untuk melihat ulat bulu sedekat ini.
terima kasih @safriadi98
Very interesting post...
Already upvote and resteem..
Visit my block @agusriand
thank very much @agusriandi
Pengambilan foto yang sangat bagus dan menggambarkan suatu keutuhan suatu kelompok hewan membentuk peradaban nya sendiri dimana saling membantu antar sesama @sultan-aceh.
Never disappointed about your photography
terima kasih @wadynoer
Bahkan ulat pun saling menjaga, photo yg indah @sultan-aceh
terima kasih @faizarfatria
Wow amazing photography thanks for sharing
thank very much @dwayentherock
Your photography is so beautiful,
White eggs are a great, good post,
thank you
thank very much @didarulselim