Two Sinas! What a treat for the Twin that I am (Gemini/June star sign).
But how does the library think that and empty library makes for a better library photo. No members: quite eerie! As if there is nothing interesting in it. It's a great photo, don't get me wrong! Any picture of a bookcase is very exciting for me.
Probably a privacy-act thing. So glad, anyway, to read of the benefits to Corona. Less happy to keep on reading about your headaches! What ails you, my dear friend? Too much sitting indoors lately? Has spring not yet cheered you up?
Two Sinas who are always fighting each other.
They wanted virtual tour of about 10 locations in the library. It was easier without the people.
Apparently I have migraine. I used to have headache once every month or two, but this week... I don't know why I had headache 3 times in one week.