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RE: Getting a little bit closer

in #photography3 years ago

Always good to inspire people to think out of the box :) Best picture hmm i do have a weakenes for acers / Japanese Marple and the contre-jour does look very nice. The Dew drops on the bottle also have something magical.
Is it Macro or close-up i think it's to close to critisize , most important thing is that you enjoy it .

And we all suffer from Dustbunnies 🐰on the sensor no matter how carefull you change the lens they always show up .


Appreciate you stopping by Mick, I used to do some macro photography with the 70-300/reversed 50mm. But that must have been 10+ years ago(!). So seeing your posts got me like, fuck it, I'm going to buy that reverse ring right now and play around with it.

Haha, yeah... the dustbunnies can be something super demotivating to start editing/cleaning these photographs.

Edit: Ha, my mom just send me a picture: this is that picture right? The "echina"

yup looks like she is right :) are you planning on going to hive fest ?

Well, she bought them :P haha.

I'm not entirely sure, a part of me really wants to go, and a part of me doesn't allow myself to go due to the home situation we are currently in. So, I've created a Hivefest card, and placed it under the Hivefest comment place to make a chance to win one. If I don't win, no worries. If I do win, I can always think about going or gifting/pooling it back to the giveaway tickets. What about you?

I'm not very good with crowds so meeting poeople is fine as long as the group is limited to +/- 10 , I'm still recovering from burn-out started in 2008 since then 80-100% afgekeurd slowly recovering and moving forward. Driving to Amsterdam is like going home , i grew up there from 1966 - 1997 , but i'm not planning at the moment on going there al those speeches and symposiums are probably to boring for me to stay awake 🤣

Oh well, we have something in common then! Two things actually... after my burn-out and depression in 2018 I feel the same (and haven't been the same, which is nice in a way; because all of it is suddenly 'calming'), just needed to find a way to deal with the social pressure. 4 people tops are perfect for me, otherwise, I'd just push a button and go into "social mode", which usually ends up draining me at the end of the day. Are you based in the North or South of the Netherlands?

I'm located in Nijmegen , i started to do some volunteer work 2 months ago to get myself out of the house again.
i signed up for 2 hours a week minimum to get myself outside again, i had street anxiety didn't go outside alone for some years, and now slowly improving again but still very scared to fall abck again in to depression and anxiety. Good thing for me is my wife supports me 100% and so does my daughter. Even the UWV supports me and that is something you don't hear that often :)

Oh, that's great news to hear actually. Street anxiety is no joke, a family member is still struggling with it. I hope you eventually will find the courage to get out of your comfort zone completely! Sometimes, we realize things are easier once we actually did them, how difficult things may be. I recognize the anxiety, or the feeling to do "nothing", I often projected and developed negative emotions towards the very same things I used to enjoy... Luckily, I've passed that stage, and I'm slowly connecting with the "outside" world again, but on my own pace, and with people I choose to. I can imagine things might seem to be very pressured, and can be very overwhelming just by thinking about it. But hey, you triggered me to finally get a reverse ring for my 50mm, just because you inspired to take these amazing photographs, outside. That's some talent you don't want to keep away from the world for too long ;)