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RE: Warclouds Gather Over Qatar- And This Time It's Personal

in #photography8 years ago

There are people suited for combat and people that aren't. I just don't see Cordell as a killer.

g!d will protect him; hopefully he will not have to see the worst side of his service.

IF he has to kill, and reacts badly, get him a copy of Col. Grossman's On should help him


I'm, worried if he has to kill and reacts badly, he'll be dead. What is it R Lee Ermley said in Full Metal Jacket about "hesitating at the moment of truth"? I pray that God will protect him (it's OK to say God).

Something is really fishy about the whole situation. The Saudis accusing Qatar of funding ISIS???

if he makes through the first go, his odds go way up the rest of the way through

The Saudis accusing Qatar of funding ISIS???

The saudi royals are hedging bets. they know they don't have any islamic legitimacy, so they are scared shitless of Islamist movements...that they don't control. not all the wahibist stuff was coming out of the MB...the royals were funding a lot of this shit themselves probably to control it (even though IIRC, one of the Princes got zapped 20 years ago playing this game)

Just remember the Arab proverb:

“I against my brother; I and my brother against my cousin; I and my brother and my cousin against the world.

I like the old Jewish way of describing g!d w/o using vowels to symbolize his ineffable nature and limitless power ;)

That's a lot of what the videos I'm watching is about... the link between the National Endowment for Democracy (CIA) the MB. The guy has quite a bit of info... you can see he really did his homework, but he's terribly unorganized in his presentation, which is disconcerting

can you link me what you're watching?

Other good resources on the MB:

(Coughlin and Gaffney were purged from the intel community during the oblahblah admin)


This is part 1 of 2

thanks man, I'll add it to the neverending list LOL

You bet! I got locked out of my comp... It took 4 hrs to get back!!!!!