Seasons change and so do I

2005-07-09 14.08.22.jpg
Springtime in Ohio.

2005-07-24 05.57.17.jpg
Summer in Ohio

2006-11-05 12.01.45-1.jpg
Autumn in Ohio

2004-12-23 17.00.28.jpg
Winter in Ohio

I live in Houston now but I lived most of my life in Ohio. The 20 years before moving to Texas were spent in a remodeled hundred year old farm house in the middle of a cornfield

The 4 pictures in this post were taken there. There were some happy times and wonderful memories. The picture of me pushing the snowblower makes me glad I left it behind!


Buenas imágenes, la primera foto de la mariposa es excelente.
Good pictures, the first picture of the butterfly is excellent.