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RE: Little island on sunset

in #photography7 years ago

Hello Dmytro Korol,

In order to prevent identity theft, identity deception of all types, and content theft we like to encourage users that have an online identity, post for a website or blog, are creators of art and celebrities of all notoriety to verify themselves. Verified users tend to receive a better reception from the community.

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Hello guys!
You are doing a great job keeping Steemit clean. Thanks for that!
Here is a link to my tweet:

Czesc Dmytro,

Dziekuje za weryfikacje.

Taka mala porada na temat poprawnych cytatow.

Kiedy uzywasz cytatow jak, na przyklad, ten poyzej z Wikipedia, to trzeba podawac dokladne zrodlo/referencje z linkiem do artykulu z kotrego ten cytat pochochi.

Na przyklad:

Lake Garda is the largest lake in Italy. It is a popular holiday location located in northern Italy, about halfway between Brescia and Verona, and between Venice and Milan on the edge of the Dolomites. Glaciers formed this alpine region at the end of the last Ice Age. The lake and its shoreline are divided between the provinces of Verona (to the south-east), Brescia (south-west), and Trentino (north). The name Garda, which the lake has been seen referred to in documents dating to the eighth century, comes from the town of the same name. It is the evolution of the Germanic word warda, meaning "place of guard" or "place of observation


Rowniez, bym radzil nie kopiowac opisow, tylko samemu je napisac w swoich slowach.
A jesli juz decydujesz sie kopiowac jakis cytatat, to konieczne jest dodanie wlasnwgo komentarza do skopiowanego cytatu, ktory ekspresjonuje twoje przemyslenia na temat tej skopiowanej informacji.
