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RE: A picture in 365 slices. Each slice is one day of the year

in #photography8 years ago

hey, this is very cool.

but asking so much for the follow and stuff is not so cool.

I will follow you 'cause I like your work, or at least this one, but some people gunna block you out if you ask them for a follow like that

just my two cents worth

hope to keep you around and working well.

I like this a lot.

keep on rockin'


thank you for youre honesty and i will try to not ask for followers and try my best to produce high quality content, thank you very much and have a nice weekend^^

you are welcome
it's hard to know how to survive here.

Have you been to the discord rooms?

You can see what you think there a bit, make some lols and some friends

Do you use discord?

yes i use discord but not a discord channel for steemit, can you maybe send me a invite^^, thank you very much:)

I can indeed. I am going to go into general for a little while right now in fact

go here to PAL (Peace Abundance Liberty) I think it will open in general.

I you see me say hello.