This guy was kind enough to let me close enough for some great macro shots. I hope you enjoy!
Photo Details
- Camera- Olympus EM-1
- Lens- 60mm Macro
- ISO- 200
- Focal Length 120mm (35mm equivalent)
- Aperture- f9
- Shutter Speed- 1/100th
- Flash- Fill Flash
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Wow great shot. I love macro
Thank you, macro is my favorite. I can spend hours in one little area just searching for tiny things!
Beautiful shot ! I have never seen their eyes like this !
The color of this ones eyes are really what makes the image. I am glad you liked it.
Great pic
Thank you!
Impressive image, did you made the image? what camera did you use? :)
Yes its mine, I used Olympus Em1 with the 60mm macro lens. A great combo for macro.
This is so nice, so high definition and amazing shot, welldone upvote and follow 🙌
Thank you,thanks for the follow. I will be checking out you post as well.
Ooh, another dragonfly! 😀 I just love them. They are so beautiful to look at.
Great detailed shot.
Thanks, this one was really calm. Usally If i even move they fly off this guy mist have been really tired lol.
very nice shot , voted and resteemed
Thank you for the vote and resteem! Glad you liked it.
So close! The hair are cool and it looks like he got sprayed with white paint :)
Thank you, so far this is the only one that let me get that close to him. They are shy little guys.
Yea I know. I always have problem shooting them.
amazing damselfly shot!
Thank you that means alot coming from you!
Impressive details all over!
Thank you!
Never saw these guys so close! Utterly beautiful macro shot! Up and resteemed!
Its rare for me to ever get this close to them. Thank you for vote and resteem!
crazy. it's so well done, it's like it's gigantic compared to us
Thank you, glad you enjoyed its bigger than life photo!
Very nice detail on this on, things we can't see well when they are flying around. Maybe it helps to get closer when the temperature is a little cooler as in the morning or late in the afternoon. I did get some closeups on a smaller variety that's not as wild a fuzzy as yours later in the day. Love to see the dragon flies, they're one of my favorites!
Thank you!