This is a second part of “Food Waste Pickup #10”, check out first part:
Another Friday food pickup, this time we used two cars and rescued lots of fresh vegetables, lots of mushroom, lemon, sausage (with bacon and cheese), lots of bread, strawberries and more.
One of the cars delivered the food waste to Gratisbutiken (Freeshop) in Kortedala, the second to Bike Kitchen Gamlestan.

The aim of this post here on Steemit is to document the amount of food waste we can reduce by simply collaborating around a very basic concept, and hopefully inspire others to do the same. Just Eat It!
The Solidarity Fridge (Solikyl) is an open and collaborative project aimed at reducing food waste. Find out more in the post What is Solikyl (Solidarity Fridge)?.
So glad you rescued all this food and shared it around! Great work, y'all.
For us who see the massive amounts of food waste everyday, there is nothing more important than making the public aware of this sick problem and giving them a chance to do something about.
By just eating it, you contribute in reducing the food waste and hopefully change your own consumption behaviour.
We should give no room to wastage. It's not good to be wasteful. You can send some food down here (Nigeria) . There are so many who need food here.
Read my piece here:
Thank you
Most of the food would unfortunately go bad on the trip over the sea so it would be better if the food was not send to us in such abundance just to be shining on the shop shelves for a few hours to then be thrown rather then consumed. We found out that the big market in our town where you can buy the best quality of meet, fish and cheese etc. throws 175 tons per year, that is 500 kilos per day and in the same time we have organisations trying to help the poor who complain on not having enough while others have too much, it's quite insane how we refuse to handle our foodwaste in a sensible way.
In the end it's a matter of defending the capitalistic model where the food goes and then waste is less of a problem for the distributors because they still make a lot more money then taking there responsibility towards the environment and people who really need the food. It's all about making the most profit unfortunately.
Now i understand whats really happening.