Hello steemians ,,,!
As you know that Flower is indeed beautiful, this one plant is synonymous with color and fragrant which is liked by many people. Not only as an ornamental plant, flowers are also sometimes used as a gift of bouquet or essay. For the men of course flowers as the most appropriate gift when given to the idol of the heart.
नमस्कार, भित्री ,,,,
तपाईं जान्नुहुन्छ कि फूल साँच्चै सुन्दर छ, यो एक बिरुवा रंग र सुगंध संग समानुपातिक छ जुन धेरै मान्छेले मनपर्छ। सजावटको रूपमा मात्र होइन, फूलहरू कहिलेकाहीं गुलाब वा निबन्धको रूपमा प्रयोग गरिन्छ। हृदयको मूर्तिलाई दिईएको बेला पुरूषको फूल सबैभन्दा उपयुक्त वरदानको रूपमा।
Feminine women would love flowers, so it's not surprising that the average girl likes a good bouquet of flowers that are genuine flowers.
With all its beauty the flower becomes its own attraction when we perpetuate it through the camera. The resulting photo will be very beautiful when we are smart in taking the right angel.
स्त्री स्त्रीहरूले फूलहरूलाई माया गर्नेछन्, त्यसैले यो आश्चर्यजनक छैन कि औसत केटी फूलहरू राम्रो गुलियो मनपर्छ जुन वास्तविक फूल हुन्।
जब हामी यसलाई क्यामेरा मार्फत पुर्याउछौं सबै सुन्दरता संग फूल यसको आफ्नै आकर्षण हुन्छ। जब हामी दायाँ दूत लिनुमा स्मार्ट हुनाले परिणामकारी तस्बिर धेरै सुन्दर हुनेछ।.

simply incredible image.
and one excellent context.
Hey, just wanted to let you know I gave you an upvote because I appreciate your content! =D See you around
not give you an upvote and has made this exact same comment hundreds of times.@greentomorrow did
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