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RE: Summer Nights

in #photography7 years ago

Are you blessed with this view EVERYDAY!?

I am SO jealous! Watching the sunset in Paris (behind the tower) has been a huge dream of my ever since I was a youngin. It blows my mind to think that some people get to soak this view in on a regular basis! Do you think you've grown used to seeing it everyday or do you love it just the same each time?

I've come to learn that I've grown unappreciative of the rolling hills where I grew up as a child. It's only when I visit flat lands that I realize how amazing my home landscape is.

One more question.. is this edited at all or just a masterpiece on its own?



Paris je t'aime :)

This is actually not a Paris it's a duplication in Pakistan , looks similar right ?

Damn yeah, didnt know they have one haha