
Hello again. I want to acknowledge that you are doing a great job trying to post something valuable using the realityhubs tag. Well done. Please kindly understand that our feedback is not meant in any way to deter you from doing your great review, rather help you improve them for the benefit of your readers.
Reviewing something is not just about introducing and describing all its features. You should also discuss the use case of what you review, your likes and dislikes, in other words, the advantage and disadvantage of what you review and finally your verdict. Would you recommend anyone to use it or not? What is special about it based on your perspective? After you have given this much amazing information, then you can finally go ahead with ending your review with a conclusion. I really hope this helps you understand my first feedback. I am pretty much available to discuss further if you want me to help you understand how to make a better review.


Posted on RealityHubs - Rewarding Reviewers

Thank you.

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