Nerd Mode Activated
I've always wanted to do water droplet photography after seeing the cool images online taken by others. Today I would like to share with you my first serious attempt at water droplet photography!
To control the water drops, I used an Arduino hooked up to a simple circuit that opens and closes a solenoid valve automatically at regular intervals.
The Code 程式
The code is very simple: set pin 13 to output mode, then toggle it on for 250 ms, then off for 1500 ms, and repeat.
程式非常簡單:設定pin 13為輸出,然後開250 ms,接著關1500 ms,重複開關。
The Circuit 電路

The circuit consists of an Arduino connected to a TLP250 optocoupler which is used to drive a 24-volt solenoid valve.
The Setup 架設方式
With the electronics ready, the rest is just setting up the valve with a reservoir raised above a pan full of water used to catch the drops. A flash and reflector is placed at the pan to light the image.
Taking The Photo 拍照方法
I set the camera to 1~2 seconds exposure, f/11 at ISO 400. The flash is set to 1/8 power. With the lights turned on and the water dripping into the pan, I pre-focused the camera at the location of the water drop. Then I turned off the lights in the room except for a dim lamp. For each shot, I start the exposure, then I fire the flash manually when I see the water droplet hit the surface of the water in the pan. The short flash duration is what captures the images.
我將設定調成1~2秒曝光時間、f/11、ISO 400、閃光輸出1/8,厨房燈開著時把對焦設在水滴打到接水盤的位置。拍攝前先把燈關掉,留下一盞小夜燈開著。拍攝每一張照片是先按快門,然後看著接水盤,當水滴掉落時手動觸發閃光燈。照片其實是透過閃光燈短暫的一閃來捕捉一瞬間的影像。
Equipment Used / 使用攝影器材
- Camera: Canon EOS M
- Lens: Canon EF 100mm f/2.8
- Flash: Canon Speedlite 430EX II
- Software: Adobe Lightroom

宅氣滿出來了! XDDD
I've been playing with water drops a little bit back in the day too, but i have to be hones, your work is much better :) And the first shot crowns it all :)
Thank you very much for the compliment!
Your setup looks freaking complicated 😂 but I love your shots! Great first attempt at photographing droplets ;)
LOL yes it is kind of overkill to get a shot, it's the nerd in me ;)
Haha, I sensed it's the nerd in you :D I would rather have a friend to hold and squeeze a dropper for me 😂
I used a pot full of water to hold mine ;)
電路你都會....... 未免太強了....... XDDD
OMG !!!這個應該去投Science fair 嘛
很久都未在這裡看過 DIY 的電子類型的文章了!
這些文章有空出的tag 都可以 tag #steemstem 啊:D @steemstem should see this !!!
可惜,我不知道這符不符合就沒投稿,加個 #steemstem tag先
Thanks @majidawan!
Cool! I used to have lots of fun with Arduino =D
Thanks, it was fun making this ;)
I think everybody is fascinated about these pictures, but the process behind these shots must have been unknown! till now!
Thank you for introducing in this world, scinece of beauty!
Enjoy and every color!
Be happy!
Thanks so much for the comment :)
This is a serious setup. Skills on an impressive level. And the outcome is just brilliant. 100% & resteemed!
Thank you very much @okkiedot!
This is awesome and makes me regret becoming a mechanical engineer. I didn't like the high voltage stuff which pushed me away, but the more and more I'm out in industry I see how small of an area the high voltage field in electrical engineering actually is.
Lol I kind of regret majoring in EE, should've gone the software route :)
Wow, early good job, my Friend :)
Thank you @chrissysworld!
Vow, awesome
nice experiment with great results , voted and resteemed
Wow man. Lot of work in there for these p
buena foto, increible.. visit
Haha I like your complex setup :)
Wow, this is so amazing! I will want to try it.
Thank you @offoodandart :)
so ähnlich haben wir das damals auch gemacht..... nur wurden die Tropfen durch ein Tropfbesteck aus dem Krankenhaus erzeugt..... Ergebnisse waren ähnlich.... gut gemacht !!
Your photos are gorgeous. I can not tear my eyes from them))) Thank you very much for the detailed description of the technique for a beautiful frame))) I follow you))
Thanks for the kind words @sokoloffa!
真厉害 我现在很多人拍Macro
謝謝, 是啊~
awesome arduino :)
hehe, yup
Looks complicated. I like your use of the chopping board as reflector! Beautiful shots. I tried to get water droplet shots before but failed. Seeing your set up makes me realize why I failed.
Yes it's a bit complicated, you can still do it without all this, all you need is a flash and some patience.
挖好酷喔 ! 電路攝影學!!!