Tortoise Family @senseicat

in #photography7 years ago

I absolutely love spending time in nature. It is so calming and relaxing to get away from it all even if just for a few hours at the zoo.


Weekends especially is a wonderful time to create memories by spending time with family.

tortoise family.jpg


Nature Is Magical @senseicat


that turtle might have belonged to your grand father or great grand father generation :P.looking like rocks

when i see this photo realize that nature really give some pleasure & remove monotony in our life.
@upvote & @resteem done

What is your favourite zoo? So far mine is the one in Wisconsin!

Great question! My favorite is the San Diego zoo and the highlight was watching a baby panda bear eating bamboo. It was an amazing experience that I will never forget.

Wow that sounds amazing, I will have to keep San Diego in mind!Thanks

@senseicat I had one called Rose and one day decided to go away where I don´t know. We share the same feeling I enjoy loosing myself in nature. Here I show you two pictures my husband and my four children, I was taken the photo


Wow, thank you so much for sharing your personal and touching photos of your family. They are precious and what a magical way to create new memories.

@senseicat yes it´s nice to have memories, my children are men today and they have their own families and are doing the same things we parents did with them

Ini sangat menenangkan dan santai untuk menjauh dari itu semua bahkan jika hanya beberapa jam di kebun binatang. Saya sangat tertarik seperti anda @senseicat dimana menghabiskan atau meluangkan waktu untuk keluarga Kura-kura.

good post

that turtle is very beautiful picture i also like this picture