One of the best things about having a new kitten is the sheer amount of energy reserved just for playtime. Regardless of day or night, when Satoshi is interested in play, someone chimes in to spoil him, and this someone happens to be my husband who he seeks out the most.
As you can see, Satoshi loves to wrestle and perhaps you can tell that he is always the winner because he never, ever gives up.
He has a very engaging personality and fits right into our family. When he was unable to find someone to play with him, Satoshi found a leaf from our porch and it is now his favorite playmate. It is right between his paws.
Life Is To Be Enjoyed @senseicat
This is my Kitten "CRYPTO".....He was born blind in one eye...

I found him under a bridge last Septemeber....he was apx 4 Months old then
He's a good Kitty😺🐾
He looks absolutely precious and great fortune that you rescued a beauty.
Something else.....When I found him....He was already Neutered....And his front paws had been declawed....They were very sensitive back then.....He wouldn't let me touch them.....I can rub his paws now.....But to neuter and declaw a cat will cost almost a $1000......I doubt that he escaped and ran off....But why would someone spend that kind of money on a Kitten and then dump him??? weird...The bridge I found him under has many cats that people dumped.....I've been feeding them all for 5 years....I know
Declawed? Poor thing! Good on you for rescuing him and giving him a safe and loving forever home! You’re a good soul!
I love that your cat is called Satoshi! Just make sure some other cat called Craig doesn’t show up claiming to be Satoshi!
wow! your crypto cats are looking awesome. please say them to take bitcoin to moon :P
a cute cat and useful for us to be our friend, I will restem
wow what a playing cat! very interesting cat
Amazing shot thanks for sharing! i love yor cat ! Checkout my posts as well my freind
The beautiful cat senseicat (64)
What a cute kitten! 😍
such a nice kitten.. love it...
Your cat same with mine
Nice kitten.
So cute, I love it
So white cat .softy i kept ur cat name....i likeeeeeeeeeeeeeee all ur postss its now i will resteeeeeeeem ur post .check my blog
its your favourite one..i love cats..this my pussy..
You are nurses the loving one..thank u so much to do such one..
@upvote & @resteem done
Vote me
Wow. Nice cats....