Can anyone guess what marine creatures these white things are?
They live and feed on the pink soft coral that is in the picture. This picture was taken at Browning Wall north of Port Hardy British Columbia Canada. They are a marine animal.
Let me know in the comments below, good luck and have fun!
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Looks like cancer cell on human ! Feeding on tissues !
Not exactly but I love the guess!
I am not really sure but I would call it a sea spider
You are correct. Thanks for checking out my post.
You're so welcome
That's a sea spider, isn't it?
It sure is! Thanks for looking!
@scottdphoto, after an arduous search, I think they are Yellow Hairy Sea Spiders (Tanystylum anthomasti)
"But, even though they are jointed-legged invertebrates (arthropods) and most do have 8 legs, they are not true spiders (arachnids) nor are they crustaceans. They are a special group of arthropods called the “Pycnogonida”. The name “Pantapoda” is also used for the group which is Latin for “all legs”, a good label as they have almost no abdomen. "
Arduous search?..
I would've typed in "sea spiders" first, as that's exactly what they looked like.. LOL
I suppose everyone is different. To each their own!
What is your point? That I wasted my time trying to solve this puzzle?
Thanks for the encouragement :( How very kind of you.
You are correct! Thanks.
I think this is stroberry, right .... ?
baby octopus
No sorry. But thanks for guessing.
my guess is a brittle star but not quite in focus enough for sure.
Good guess, but no.
I am ashamed to say that I thought it was too cold for 'sea spiders'.
its a plumbus duh
they got tentacles like baby octopuses
yeaa maybe, good idea ;)
They are for sure not dogs, more than that I can't tell :)
I'm really curious what these are.
:D ha ha
Im dog lover too :)
Is that Sponge Bob?
Thats funny!
La verdad es que parecen Gusanos, a lo mejor son gusanos de mar
Cancer cells may be
I think they are starfish.
Close, but not correct. Thanks for looking.
Some kind of octopus?
Good guess but no. Thanks for having a look.
we have to explore life under the sea there are interesting creatures.
Wow that’s amazing. Please go check out my picture I’m new to photography(:
No, not a Chiton, but close.
No sorry not as mushroom.
Strawberry of the devil
I thought it's cake. 😋😋😋😋
Nice post
oh very it a some sort of coral? :) guess im correct
have interesting ;)
They are like sea hunchins...they are small marine animals living at the bottomost part of waters
I dont know anything about it but it's so beautiful @@
I would say it's probably a sea spider, but I'm not a marine biologist. The shots are definitely amazing - love them!
that look like spidergirl,,,,heheh
Marine spiders of one of the many species that can be found on the seabed. Impressive photo
Aliens. Im sure for about 90% ... ;)
Sea spiders? I hadn’t heard of them. Until now! I thought they looked like an odd starfish, but with too many legs.