Rockfish 101 - Yelloweye Rockfish

in #photography7 years ago

Its Wednesday and that means more rockfish. Today I present to you the Yelloweye Rockfish. This particular species of rockfish is one of my favourites due to colour evolution from juvenile to adult and its general friendliness towards divers underwater.

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Yelloweye Rockfish, Sebastes ruberrimus are one of the biggest members of the rockfish family. Commonly call a “red snapper” due to it colouration this fish goes through a very long maturation and can live up to 120 years.
These fish only reside in the northeast Pacific Ocean, ranging from the Aleutian Islands to Baja California. In Canada, we have two distinct populations: one lives in the “inside” waters between Vancouver Island and the Mainland, and the other in the “outside” waters on the island’s outer coast.

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Photographing these fish is a joy, they tend to swim in some cases towards the camera rather than away like their other rockfish cousins. Their colouration standout among all the other fish and the reefs and rocks as well. Take your time, compose your shot and let them come to you, once they get their fill of you then they will swim away.

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Happy “Snapping” and thanks for reading.


For more and stories and images -


i love your pictures :D

Nice capture Scott, Whats your favorite place for diving?

I have a few. First I'd say Browning Pass on the northern part of Vancouver Island. The life their is incredible, second Malpelo in the Pacific, its a very small island owned by Columbia. Its touch to get to but the diving is spectacular, third the eastern coast of Mexico, diving with whale sharks. There are couple of places I know that many other people love, the Red Sea and the Sardine Run in South Africa, both of which I have not done yet but are planning too. Lastly Indonesia is listed as one of the best as well.

Beautiful photos - very much like fish portraiture. Your striped fish is particularly appealing with the colorful, rocky background.

very nice photos ...greetings

They're practically friendly, curious puppies. What a cute species! Those contrasting colours are spectacular and I love the fact there are two variations, the white-stripped ones are males?

I think I'm going to do some research, these fishes are very worth it :)

Wow amazing photography all the snaps are awesome.... perfect click....thank you for sharing with us.... keep sharing more

Great photos I wish more @scottdphoto

red fish .. i have one in my aquarium :D i love it ..

amazing pictures

It's a very descriptive article.
By the way, the color and shape of your fish is very nice.
These are just ocean stars?
Is Turkey's sea do you think?
I never came across it :)

All the look you post makes me interested and want to be like you, I love it.

...i love doing fish photography here in the philippines#fish #colorful

isda sa bato. lami sabwon. haha

The best photography @scottdphoto.

Great photos thank you. What a lovely fish this is, perhaps they know mermaids! You make it seem so simple taking these photographs, but obviously you are underwater and are a good cameraman. Following to see more.