Enjoy the atmosphere in your hometown

in #photography3 years ago

My hometown is soothing to the mind because around the back of the house there is a lot of rice growing, when I saw the rice plants in my hometown, I didn't feel that they had started to grow and soon the rice seeds could be harvested, the rice plants in my hometown usually started from planting to later in harvest can reach 3 months.

The work in my hometown is used to every rainy season and dry season, the fields like to be planted with rice, because rice plants are the main source of life in my hometown, but there are also a small number of farmers in my hometown who like to grow vegetables, but most of them are prohibited from planting crops. Paddy.

When I was in the middle of a stretch of rice that was growing densely Sera, the color of the rice plants was dark green, it was a special happiness for me, because with me being in a cool village atmosphere and around many green trees and plants, my heart felt very calm, maybe because Everyone's happiness is different, there are those who have to be happy walking to the city and some are also looking for the happiness of traveling to a village.

Besides being able to enjoy the beauty of the village, I learned to see the plants around me that I visited. When I saw the rice plants I always made the rice plant my motivation, because I always saw the rice when it was fruitful and was about to harvest the rice seeds. being on top when we are young but when it is about to be harvested and the fruit is ripe the rice likes to duck down, my motivation can take it when we are successful we don't feel proud of ourselves because we are successful there must be prayers from people around us and when we are successful, don't be proud of ourselves because pride will bring us down again, because the human journey is like a spinning wheel, sometimes we are at the top and sometimes we are at the bottom.

Kampung halaman ku yang menyejukkan pikiran karena di sekililing belakang rumah banyak tumbuh padi, ketika saya melihat tanaman padi di kampung halaman saya tidak terasa sudah mulai tumbuh dan sebentar lagi bisa di panen biji padinya, tanaman padi di daerah kampung halaman saya biasanya dari semenjak tanam hingga nanti di panen bisaencapai 3 bulan.

Pekerjaan di kampung halaman sudah terbiasa setiap musim hujan dan musim kemarau ladangnya suka di tanami padi, karena tanaman padi adalah sumber pokok kehidupan di kampung halaman saya, akanntetapi ada juga sebagian kecil para petani di kampung halaman saya suka menanam sayuran tetapi kebanyakannya larangannya di tanami Tanan padi.

Ketika saya berada di tengah tengah bentangan padi yang tumbuh lebat Sera warna tanaman padi berwarna hijau pekat kebahagiaan tersendiri buat saya, karena dengan saya berada di suasana desa dlyang sejuk serta di sekiling banyak pohon dan tumbuhan yang berwarna hijau hati saya terasa tenang sekali, mungkin karena kebahagiaan setiap orang berbeda beda, ada yang harus dapat kebahagian berjalan jalan ke kota dan ada juga mencari kebahagian jalan jalan ke sebuah kampung.

Selain saya bisa menikmati keindahan kampung saya belajar melihat tanaman sekeliling yang saya datangi, ketika melihat pandi saya selalu menjadikan tanaman padi motivasi saya, karena saya selalu melihat padi ketika sudah berbuah dan akan panen biji padi, tanaman tersebut suka merindukan butir padinya, awalnya biji padi berada di atas ketika masih muda akan tetapi ketika sudah akan di panen dan butir buahnya sudah matang padi tersebut suka merunduk ke bawah, motivasi saya bisa ambil ketika kita sukses kita jangn merasa bangga akan diri kita sendiri karena kita sukses pasti ada doa orang di sekeliling kita dan ketika kita sudah sukses jangan sombongkan diri kita karena kesombongan akan membuat keterpurukan kembali, karena perjalanan manusia seperti roda yang sedang berputar kadang kita berada di atas dan kadang kita berada di bawah.






Keindahan suasana dikampung halaman

Terimakasih sudah berkunjung di blog @sapron44

Semoga yang sudah berkunjung di blog saya senan tiasa diberikan kesehatan dan kebahagiaan🙏🙏


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Happy holiday pulang kampung brother. Jangan lupa oleh-olehnya ya peuyeumpuan 😁😁😁

Mantap punya sawah 2 yang luas sama petakan sama sama. Perlu air👍

Tuan Takur itu pak, tuan tanah di kampungnya 😁, juragan bawang juga.