
What a terrific encounter with nature. I will be sure to keep an eye over other images you may post at another time.

Ashton Kutcher

lol what! is it you bruh

Thanks very much - appreciated.

Thanks @ashton.kutcher I will keep an eye on you too 😉

nice depth of field <3 I love hibiscus, do you ever make tea with the flowers?

I grow roselle aka Jamaica which is another variety of hibiscus which is super healthy and absolutely delicious- you have probably tried it ? I first came across it in Mexico where they sold the dried calyxes (which are like folded up immature flowers.) by the sackful in supermarkets. The taste is extraordinary!!! I fell in love with it immediately. It is packed with vitamin c and has a special cooling quality on the body which is probably why so popular down in Mexico!

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