Hello ... !?
Admiring human beings but forgetting human creators, amazed at man-made but forgetting who designed man and gave him guidance
asking for God but lazy in worship, wanting to be happy but reluctant to obey, have many desires but never bow down in the middle of the night
want a good partner but stubborn in immoral, want a child who is salih but away from shari'a, want child obedient but herself hard to pray
Want to go to heaven but hate clerics, confess Islam but pride on the rules of kafir, say Muslim but his friend friendship hypocrite and penista
want to be trusted but lie in every speech, want to honor but continuously insult the honor of people, always reproach but never mirror
Saying love but do not want to be together, say affection but hurt, confess to love but do not think about the present and fore
proclaiming God's love but making something more important than God, wanting heaven but fear of dying, wanting good but worrying about holding the truth.