The hidden beauty of life - It all depends on your perception - Infrared Photography

in #photography9 years ago (edited)

Is something unreal just because you don` t know it or because you` ve never seen it before ?
Or is it just another parallel reality, some kind of matrix ? Who knows....
At least i know infrared photography makes you see the world in a new light and honestly to me it often seems like a parallel reality, one that you normally don` t see although it` s there all the time.
Again, this is an infrared photo. Shot with a cam which was modified for this special kind of photography by removing the IR-blocking filter on the sensor and adding a "normal" light blocking filter which only lets IR light pass to the sensor.
Although it seems unreal it is very real, it` s just something that your eyes normally can` t see.
In this shot you can see very good that plants with lots of chlorophyll become white in IR photography, like the grass or the deciduous trees. But not the coniferous.
This fact is also used in aerial infrared photography to monitor the health of woods and the distribution of deciduous/coniferous trees.
I hope you like the world in IR. :)

Click to see it larger

©Rznag Rmrod

If you like my photos don` t be afraid to follow or visit me to see more of my work


Enjoy! Namaste :)I hope you'll enjoy my photography as much as I did yours, check out my blog here on

You have some really nice photos and now a follower more.
Nice to meet you.Hey thanks a lot @eric-boucher

I love these pics! Keep em coming! All of the ones you've posted make it look like you are in some winter world.

Thank you so much. I will post more tomorrow.

Great style. I like it :)
Can you do more?
Thank you :)

Thank you. I` ve posted another one earlier but i have tons of them and as people seem to like them a lot i will for sure post more in the coming days and weeks. Here` s the other one:

i will be featuring your post today

Glad you like that kind of photography, i really enjoy it from time to time as it gives you another perspective.
Not just in photography but also on life. But that` s just my opinionCool, thanks a lot @dragonslayer109

very cool! (or should I say "hot" :smile: )

like snow in summer :D thank you ;)

i love infra red photo,s !! wow this is a nice example of it too !! thankyou for the post was very interesting to see !

Thanks a lot for your comment

Wov, its like Narnia :) I really like it.
Do you have it in a higher resolution?

Thanks, yes i have it in higher resolution. I` ll see that i post them a little larger in future, normally i export in 1000px-1200px on the longer side for webuse to prevent theft at least a little bit. Before steemit only other people made money with my shots which made me post them only in smaller sizes which aren` t useable for large prints but still good enough for web use.
You can also see it larger if you open the image link in an extra tab or click here

Thanks for the higher resolution!
I understand your point.

Wow, this is a stunning photo, I love how you different it is from what our eyes can see :)

thanks @puck82 that` s what i love about it too..hidden beauty :D

Really like your photography m8. you have some very good images. keep up the good work. :-)
please check out my photography, thanks

Thanks a lot @pcste You also have some nice shots. Followed you.

it's a stunning photograph - I can see this photo being used in an illustrated book perhaps :)

Wow, I'm definitely lacking some photography skills.

Never heard that "compliment" before. :D Not sure if i should say thank you or can i help you to become better ? Anyway thanks for commenting ;)

Hi rznag,

I think you may like this article I just wrote on a book. I’ve posted it 10 min ago ;)

It had a great impact in my life and I really wanted to share it with this community. I’ll let a few comments on posts about life, yoga and spirituality. Enjoy ;)