Getting a little bit closer

in #photography3 years ago

Hey all!

After getting back into blogging mode, I received a comment from @stresskiller on one of my blogs about my travels through Charleston. Of course, I had to check out who this was, as I always do. I appreciate those who engage with me on the Hive blockchain. Most of his blog posts are about incredible (and sharp) macro photography, which instantly reminds me of how much fun it is to shoot macro photography. It was the reason why I bought a Sigma 105mm f/2.8 lens back in the day, but started to use that lens as a secondary for portraits instead. His post about the difference between Close-ups and Macro photography got me enthusiastic.

I used to manually revert my 50mm on my DSLR, or attach my 70-300 Tamron lens with a reversed 50mm (or the other way around, I can't remember). This was such a hassle, since getting things in focus is just a thin line. A very thin line. So, after reading that post, I didn't have to think twice, and instantly bought a reverse ring for my 50mm to try it out. I already have two flashlights that can trigger each other and have enough studio lights to do some macro photography. Or... should I say, super close-ups? I have a Full-Frame camera, which makes these photographs more or less, close-ups.

So, before I get sidetracked, I'll be sharing photographs I took right after receiving and opening up the package where this magical, stress-free reverse ring was waiting for me. The weather was perfect to take photographs of my mom's garden back in Aadorp. A little bit cloudy, yet a striking Sun that made it possible to shoot in gentler ISO's.

Since I'm using a Metabones converter for my Sony camera to be able to work with my Canon lenses, the lens automatically locks itself in f/22. There is a workaround for this, that costs a bit of time afterward if used more often. I have to turn on my camera, attach my lens, and then remove it while the camera is still powered. This prevents the lens from autolocking as it reminds its current setting (for example, f/1.4). However, powering your camera and exposing it to Sunlight isn't a good idea. Not persé because of the Sunlight, but also because electricity attracts dust particles. And we all know... dust is bad for sensors! I already know that I have a lot of cleaning to do in both my photographs and my sensor. While cleaning my sensor takes not that much time, editing these photographs can be quite time-consuming.

Let's get some shots done 😎

© Ruben Cress | 2022

That's a nice close-up right? Well, this is the uncropped version. Check out the 100% version, which is still displayed on a 2K resolution (2048x1365) image.

© Ruben Cress | 2022

Before going into the jacuzzi to cool us off, I had some more fun in the garden and tried to capture more close-ups, or are these photographs considered to be macro @stresskiller? I mean, technically they are macro but compared to Stresskillers' macro shots, these are just close-ups. Check out his blog, he includes super macro photographs in most of his posts.

© Ruben Cress | 2022

© Ruben Cress | 2022

Here is one of a spider, working on his new temporary home to eat all the mosquitos, oh yeah! Need a hand buddy? This was a tiny spider that I didn't even notice. It caught my eye because he was moving down from his string. What a weaver.

© Ruben Cress | 2022

You got to stay hydrated! These drops are from an abandoned water bottle that was on the table outside. Due to the warm weather, it developed droplets inside the bottle. That must've been pretty humid! These droplets aren't on the outside of the bottle but the inside. Otherwise, they probably would be a lot sharper! Also, the Depth of Field was just insane, the neck of the bottle was curvy, focus on that and reverse it with a 50mm! Looks great!

© Ruben Cress | 2022

© Ruben Cress | 2022

I love these shots. The green tone, combined with the super small dewdrops on the edges of the strain looks nice. The second one with the fire orange tone is both very vibrant, yet so soft due to the Depth of Field. The dry high grass makes you wonder in what part of Africa you might be roaming. Warning, there might be lions near.

© Ruben Cress | 2022

Another shot that I took was of some leaves that grow on the Red Japanese Maple tree. It's Summer for sure, but looking at this photograph takes me straight to Autumn!

© Ruben Cress | 2022

© Ruben Cress | 2022

© Ruben Cress | 2022

While playing around with my aperture, I thought about creating some abstract footage that I for sure can use in future artwork. These abstract photographs really set a mood.

© Ruben Cress | 2022

© Dymph van Werven | 2022

And, of course, I had to take a photograph of @lackofcolor her beautiful blue eye. And she took one of mine. She's a real pro! The photograph is supersharp where it has to be sharp. If you ever tried iris photography yourself (handheld), you know how challenging it can be to get everything in focus. Ha, the last time when I took macro shots of an eye... I was half drunk at my own party and had the idea to photograph an iris. Of course, my victim was drunk as well. With much pain and dried-out eyes, we managed to take some sharp photographs of our irises including red veins across them due to all the booze. Interesting? Yes. Useful? Lol.

When is the last time you took pictures in your backyard?

I can't remember when I had so much fun taking photographs in "my backyard". It has certainly been a while since I was practicing and explored my own backyard. Probably 17 years ago? I'm getting older! Hooray for living life. Thanks, @stresskiller for kinda hyping me up (indirectly, with your super macro shots) into buying (finally) a reverse ring for my 50mm.

Oh, and let me know which one is your favorite photograph. I can't choose a thumbnail :D



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The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @stresskiller, @rubencress ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

The display of some very beautiful pictures, I love when I see those pictures that have good light. And you've taken very clear shots that can cheer us all up. How are your friends today, hopefully they are still in good health and can participate in activities smoothly, 👍

Thank you @mnurhiver :)) Glad you enjoyed them. Thank you for asking, we're trying our best :)). Hope all is well with you too

You're welcome @rubencres.. Looks like I have a lot to learn from @rubencres about shooting.😀

Nah, you take great images already! You're quite talented in travel and documentary photography. But sometimes it's difficult to see your posts because of all the reblogs you're doing 🤣

Hehehe.. I'm still in the learning stage my friend, I recently used a camera, it's been about 1.5 months since I bought a camera.So I had to learn more about how to take good pictures. What do you think, is it good if I reblog more? Or there are other better suggestions from @rubencress .

This is what I want to tell my friends, even though I really want to be able to understand Hive more deeply,But because I can't speak English, I'm a little confused to understand it.If you use Google translate, there must be strange words, so slowly I still want to learn so that I can.

For friends @rubencress, can you speak Indonesian? So if there are tricks that can make me grow in the blogger hive, please teach me friends, 😀. Because starting from me joining here certainly helped me a lot and this is a place that I can rely on for my daily needs.

wow amazing series. especially 3 images of the blurred leaves 💚

Thank you! What a reverse ring can't do to the 50mm lens! Glad you liked the photographs!

yes 50mm is a real magic :-)

Those are fantastic! I have a reverse ring as well which I sadly, rarely, ever use. You use it well!

Thank you very much @wwwiebe! First time using it and loving it! What camera do you use?

Always good to inspire people to think out of the box :) Best picture hmm i do have a weakenes for acers / Japanese Marple and the contre-jour does look very nice. The Dew drops on the bottle also have something magical.
Is it Macro or close-up i think it's to close to critisize , most important thing is that you enjoy it .

And we all suffer from Dustbunnies 🐰on the sensor no matter how carefull you change the lens they always show up .

Appreciate you stopping by Mick, I used to do some macro photography with the 70-300/reversed 50mm. But that must have been 10+ years ago(!). So seeing your posts got me like, fuck it, I'm going to buy that reverse ring right now and play around with it.

Haha, yeah... the dustbunnies can be something super demotivating to start editing/cleaning these photographs.

Edit: Ha, my mom just send me a picture: this is that picture right? The "echina"

yup looks like she is right :) are you planning on going to hive fest ?

Well, she bought them :P haha.

I'm not entirely sure, a part of me really wants to go, and a part of me doesn't allow myself to go due to the home situation we are currently in. So, I've created a Hivefest card, and placed it under the Hivefest comment place to make a chance to win one. If I don't win, no worries. If I do win, I can always think about going or gifting/pooling it back to the giveaway tickets. What about you?

I'm not very good with crowds so meeting poeople is fine as long as the group is limited to +/- 10 , I'm still recovering from burn-out started in 2008 since then 80-100% afgekeurd slowly recovering and moving forward. Driving to Amsterdam is like going home , i grew up there from 1966 - 1997 , but i'm not planning at the moment on going there al those speeches and symposiums are probably to boring for me to stay awake 🤣

Oh well, we have something in common then! Two things actually... after my burn-out and depression in 2018 I feel the same (and haven't been the same, which is nice in a way; because all of it is suddenly 'calming'), just needed to find a way to deal with the social pressure. 4 people tops are perfect for me, otherwise, I'd just push a button and go into "social mode", which usually ends up draining me at the end of the day. Are you based in the North or South of the Netherlands?

I'm located in Nijmegen , i started to do some volunteer work 2 months ago to get myself out of the house again.
i signed up for 2 hours a week minimum to get myself outside again, i had street anxiety didn't go outside alone for some years, and now slowly improving again but still very scared to fall abck again in to depression and anxiety. Good thing for me is my wife supports me 100% and so does my daughter. Even the UWV supports me and that is something you don't hear that often :)

Congrats, nice work very insipiring.

It’s takes great skills to actually achieve this, you can be even a BIG closer but you won’t achieve this....
#speaking for experience..... 😂

Wow, I hadn't noticed those almost microscopic droplets. I zoomed in after reading that there was water on that spike. Congratulations @rubencress.

I really like the first two shots, the details are awesome (I guess that is the purpose of makrophotogrphy:) but you have to find the right ones...
I can rally feel your enthousiasm about trying out different shots and the freedom of "messing around in your backyard" thats lovely!!

Thank you! Yes, I feel always free when I'm photographing :)

Such amazing pictures!

Thanks @Noakmilo! Tried my best :))