Uff that is a very difficult answer! Cubans need to learn a lot, life on the island is completely different from anything that is known around the planet Earth, I can say without fear of being wrong. Maybe not for a few but for the great majority yes. Also the government, that despite everything, has not yet changed as it should be. But of course, I wish the best for my people and my country and maybe I'll be able to come back sometime and perhaps help in that necessary education. It is a desire that is growing within me.
Uff that is a very difficult answer! Cubans need to learn a lot, life on the island is completely different from anything that is known around the planet Earth, I can say without fear of being wrong. Maybe not for a few but for the great majority yes. Also the government, that despite everything, has not yet changed as it should be. But of course, I wish the best for my people and my country and maybe I'll be able to come back sometime and perhaps help in that necessary education. It is a desire that is growing within me.