The Reproductive Organs of Naked Ladies

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

It's summer in Santa Cruz and it's impossible to miss all the naked ladies. They're on every street corner. Amaryllis belladonna got it's scandalous name, Naked Ladies, by its pattern of blooming once the leafy part of the plant has died down.

Like all lilies, Naked Ladies have prominent reproductive organs. I'll use my digital microscope to give you a closer look!

A Naked Lady's Boy Parts

The Anther

The pollen laden anthers (the male bits) are set back from the protruding stigma.

A Naked Lady's Girl Parts

The Stigma

The stigma leads deep within the flower to the female bits, the ovary. Inside the ovary there are numerous ovules, each with an unfertilized egg. As you can see from the photo of the stigma, our naked lady has already had sex. The stigma is covered in pollen!

The Ovules

How Naked Ladies have Sex

When a pollen cell lands on the stigma, the process of mitosis begins within the pollen cell. It splits into a generative cell that produces sperm and a tube cell that expands thousands of times the length of the pollen cell reaching all the way along the narrow style to fertilize one of the eggs contained ovule of the flower.

The pollen tube is the tube which travels from the stigma to the ovules is shown as the red line bisecting the floral axis.

I found these ladies hanging out in front of a church.

Hand for scale!


Oh, such a dirty post. Should be #nsfw but I guess I'll pander to the masses and let it slide ;)

The masses and I thank you!

Put some clothes on lady!
At least a glove or something!

Ha! Yeah, you shouldn't handle naked ladies without protection!

I like your style :)

The style! Great pun! You really pushed the petal to the metal!

haha, you need to stop these puns lol

Okay, I'll stop I don't want you to leaf.

I guess you could say it's rooted deep in my ~nature~

Hahaha, awesome word play

philosopher Slavoj Zizek, on the Horror of Tulips (as he waters some)

"I think that flowers should be FORBIDDEN for children"

From Drunk Make-up Tutorial to Pure SteemIt Gold you've come a long ways lady! :)

Oh, and hit up the new SteemItForum when you can!

::squeak:: thank you Steemitqa! You are so sweet! Will be there with bells on (and stigma and anthers!)

One can hope! lol :)

haha! This is a clever post and well done! :D

Naked ladies & a crystal! <3

Clever! I love what you did with the fingers ;)

A little clickbait to get the masses interested in the reproductive cycles of angiosperms. This flower type is so easy to dissect too.

Years ago I was biking around town and I saw a bucket with a sign that said "free naked ladies". I stopped, mind reeling at exactly what I'd find inside. Unclothed barbie dolls? Girlie mags? Nope! They were flower bulbs!

Ah, thanks for sharing your inspiration!

I want to turn my digital microscope to other things! What do you want to see from the miniature world?

Oh! I don't know where to begin! So all I'll say is - whatever you find. :)

Very clever and fun post, I like it!

I hope you're going to have a follow-up post featuring the reproductive organs of naked men?

I'm going to need a bigger dissection table...

Awesome post! I love that you're a mad scientist at heart. Keep it up girl!

I want to turn my digital microscope to other things! What do you want to see from the miniature world?

I love naked ladies!...

Very clever:)

Damn ! Where is the #nsfw, there are sensitive people around, u know ?
Anyway.. cool post, like how you showed the microscope and said let's have a closer look and explained. :3

Thank you! If you're sensitive to pollen. Try some anti-histamine!

Whenever I walk through a flowering garden or field or something I can't help but think "This is an orgy." We think of flowers as just being pretty but really it's the plant version of porn.

Very clever post click bait magic. You get an upvote from me.