So I had to join @Uwelang and go back to the roots. Here is my post for SunThursday. The photos were taken in the dolomites, back then when it was allowed to travel. Hope you enjoy :)
So I had to join @Uwelang and go back to the roots. Here is my post for SunThursday. The photos were taken in the dolomites, back then when it was allowed to travel. Hope you enjoy :)
Hey hey @redtravels - great to see you back, long time no see!
Hey @uwelang yeah a lot of things happend and changed.. Have to find some time for hive.
Welche anderen photography challenges gibts denn eigentlich noch? LG
Einige, unter uns - heute werd ich meinen uralt tag #beachwednesday mit einem Contest (auch bi weekly) neu aufsetzen, keine Hive aber Votes von über 5$ zu gewinnen.
Ansonsten bin ich mehr in der music community unterwegs - schau doch mal in die photography lovers community rein.
Good that you have returned, and you have done it with an incredible shot. Excellency, congratulations
have a wonderful dayhello dear friend @redtravels good day
Hey there, thanks ;) Have a wonderful day too.