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RE: The Beauty of Cauliflower

in #photography6 years ago

I love cauliflower. I have a few plants in containers that are growing nicely and new seedling just up in my greenhouse. These are nice photographs. Thank you for sharing.

Saya suka kembang kol. Saya memiliki beberapa tanaman dalam wadah yang tumbuh dengan baik dan baru dibibitkan di rumah kaca saya. Ini foto yang bagus. Terima kasih sudah berbagi.


Really..?wow that's so amazing..Do you like to consume it too,what most do you like to cook?

benarkah?wow itu sungguh luar biasa..apakah kamu juga suka mengkonsumsinya,masakan apa yang paling suka kamu buat?

I prefer most of my vegetables raw including cauliflower, although i like cauliflower steemed as well.

Oow..really?if cauliflower is good to eat raw, I have never heard it before,but if the steamed is obviously delicious, we can eat it with the steak ..this is really nice :)