Our Veterinarian is mobile and was scheduled to be here to see all four of our dogs. It was perfect timing so she could examine Sheba. As you may recall she cut off one of the pads on her foot. I was worried because I did not take her into a clinic. I did not think there was anyway it could be sutured. I was right. It will take 6 weeks to heal. At least I got the okay to take her outside...she has a little separation anxiety when I go out with out her. I am really kidding because she has a major anxiety attack when I go outside, especially when she sees me out near the barn. So we keep changing bandages and do warm soaks when we change bandage.
Last week I left a couple of links for fundraising programs. @aid.Venezuela med it two week food program, where they met their goal of being able to feed 80 people for two weeks. In their latest post the did indicate that we can continue to donate through fundition, and I see that donations continue. Upvoting their post also goes toward collecting fund to help feed the people. Here are their links again. If there is any way you can help our brothers and sisters in Venezuela it would be great.
Another was you can help is to pay for some units through @steembasicincome. paying for even one unit can add up. Also you receive an equal amount of units in your account for the amount you contributed.
These next two links are of two programs I have supported for quite awhile and it has been exciting to watch them grow. One appears to have a fundition program going but not the other:
I mentioned the following program last week. I feel it is very important for reaching some of the young people and provide them with a creative outlet. This program is also in Venezuela. The raised enough funds to buy supplies and begin getting ready for classes. @arrozymangophoto also put together a great tutorial video on making a hand puppet. Check it out.
In @zaxan's last post on Discord he left the following message:
"Zaxan [elarca]Last Thursday at 5:38 AM
Fundition have tell me that I can continue receiving donations through PayPal debit/credit card or crypto. If someone know people that can help, send this video! Thanks! <3"
I appreciate everyone indulging me when I add this information. But now your reward is a nice mix of photographs.
As many appreciate I will begin with a rose. It is from my daughter's camera. This is beautiful bud just opening. Next week I will try and include a photo of it fully opened.
This next photograph was taken from a community doc over looking the Pend Oreille river. There is a very large lake called Lake Pend Oreille, and this river flows from it. This is near my daughter's weekend get-away.
This next flower is a macro view of a small flower. I have no idea the name of it, but saw the beauty that came even closer to the surface with the Macro-photo:
This next photograph is of a barn and shed. It just stood out beautifully with the new grass coming up:
I will close with a beautiful yellow Begonia. I will let her speak for herself:
That is the end of this weekend's post. As many have noticed I was experimenting with Partiko this week and had two additional posts. When I can I will do more of this. I have to be careful to not run out of photographs before Spring blooms arrive.
I have been gathering photographs of container growing of food (flowers too), using hydroponics or using potting soil. I have even used soil from the garden. A few people have asked about this, and most recently a lovely lady from Venezuela (@franciscana23) has asked about hydroponics for helping feed the people there. I have seen photographs on steemit from other countries that grow some food and of course flowers in containers. In the event anyone has any ideas or even photographs they wish to share Private Message me on Discord. I have a variety of photographs covering this and taking more now as I get my greenhouse coming along. I wish I had the time to get that post done, but i want to make it is as good as I can. Any input from others will be credited in the post.
Before I close I would like to remind everyone that please do not pass up a post that is in a language you do not understand. Find a app that can translate. Most do a good enough job that you can understand the post.
Hope everyone has a great weekend! Spring has arrived and it now rains have started. Following the rains everything will green-up, and flowers will bloom. Thank you for viewing and reading my post.
I am using a Canon EOS Rebel T5 for all of these photographs, except where noted.

Great photographs again grandpa! Hope to see you soon.
Thank you hon!
What a beautiful rose
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Thank you very much.
Greetings @ r2cornell
The images in this publication are spectacular. I like that of the cabins, you feel the aroma of fresh field when you see the image. With respect to Venezuela, our problem is cultural. We allow people without the proper training to take control of the country. The private productive infrastructure and the educational structure were destroyed. They bought a socialist package, and what came in the package was a communism. Now we have this problem, that we must see how we solve With respect to pets, the skin of the dog tends to heal quickly, the important thing is to maintain the treatment to accelerate the recoveryGlad you enjoyed the photos.
Yes I have a couple of other people tell me similar things with regards to problems in Venezuela. I hope that some things can be solved soon. My area of concern is what the general population has to deal with in the here and now. So I will try and do what I can to help. I have noticed that many who I have interacted with are proud people and do not ask or do not easily ask for help.
I am sure there are countries that would help, but they are interested in your natural resources, and I would doubt they care about the populous. I just hope things can start heading in the right direction.
You are correct dogs heal fast. I just changed Sheba's bandage and was amazed how far it has improved in just a couple of days. She will be very happy when I can let her out of a fenced yard where she has lots of room to run.
Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting. I appreciate the viewpoints I receive to better understand.
I almost forgot!
Thank you fir the links to help the people in Venezuela!
We sometimes want to help, but don’t know how to avoid scammers. The links should help.
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@Zaxan who started @aid.venezuela helped me out around a year ago when some scammers claiming to be a charity in Venezuela were trying to get steem from me. I never forgot that. Not long ago we were chatting and he was filling me in on how bad it was for many people there. People were having difficulty getting food for their families and malnutrition was going on.
Within a couple of days of our conversation he started putting together aid.venezuela. I help him connect with someone in a different country that had been fundraising for awhile. That connection helped him get on Fundition. He provides a lot of video documentation of the food purchased and the distribution of the food.
He also gave me the thumbs up on @arrozymangophoto when I asked about him.
Helping to feed as many people as possible is a difficult at best, but we have to start somewhere. @ Zaxan is also networking with existing programs and foundations within Venezuela.
There electricity and internet is intermittent in some areas...
I hope this helps. I have set up my post earnings so a small percentage goes to 3 separate programs...two I have just discussed in this reply.
I appreciate your comment.
Hermoso de verdad, Sigue así ñ_ñ.
Really beautiful, Keep it up ñ_ñ.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it! We all need to enjoy ourselves when doing posts and interacting with followers. I encourage everyone to take a look at @filiusdei's posts. Some very creative work.
Muchas gracias. ¡Lo aprecio! Todos debemos divertirnos cuando hacemos publicaciones e interactuamos con seguidores. Animo a todos a que echen un vistazo a las publicaciones de @filiusdei. Algunos trabajos muy creativos.
I hope your dog will quickly heal and it will run again. Your flowers are gorgeous, especially the yellow begonia. Thank you for sharing
Thank you. Sheba runs quite well on 3 legs, to protect her foot. But, she still gets it down on ground part of the time. Now maybe my Labrador Retriever will be able to catch her when they are playing
Your Sheba Labrador, I adore this breed, they are very kind :)
a very pleasant weekend, capturing beautiful flowers.
I like your flower picture, sir @r2cornell.
how are you sir?
I am doing well...coping with stress, but it will get better. Have a great weekend.
When you can, you inform me how she is.
I send you a big hug from me from Venezuela.Hello friend @r2cornell, I hope you find yourself very well, you and your wife.
That's fine for the dog that is already much better.
Thanks for the recommendation:
Another way you can help is to pay some units through @steembasicincome. the payment of a single unit can add up. You also receive an equal amount of units in your account for the amount you contributed.
They will have my support and transfer.
I really liked your photos of flowers, remember to tell you that my wife and daughters and I love sunflowers in fact always in the hall to enter my apartment we have planted sunflowers, they are already blooming.
I send you a photo.
Thank you very much. great to hear from you. My Granddaughter loves sunflowers...I have several varieties to plant this season; mostly for flower arrangements. As you can see my Granddaughter's comment (@alaysiababin) you will see what she uses as her photo.
Walking around and admiring natural beauty is a great way to refresh your mind and body.
I also do the same thing, and take pictures of flowers around me then share them in Steemit.
By the way, nice to see you on Steemit. I am your new follower. Glad to see the beauty in your posts.
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Thank you very much, and thank you for visiting my blog. Welcome!
every orchid has its own beauty, I like your orchids sir
Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
Seeing that grows puts a smile on everyone's face for sure so nice to see shots like these pure joy
Thank you very much.
Fantastic post. all flowers looks fantastic.
Thank you very much, and thank you for visiting my blog. Welcome!
Greetings sir @r2cornell. The flowers photography are really amazing specially the rose and the green field are looking so beautiful. Have a great day, God bless you.
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Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
Blessings for you and your familyGood morning sir @r2cornell, speaking of roses, I want to share with much respect, this photo of roses that I took, they are artificial, but they seem beautiful to me, this in gratitude to you for always sharing us.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it! And, thank you for sharing your photograph. They are beautiful. Hard to believe they are artificial.
Wao what a great and perfect collection of flowers. I always like your photography. Purple flower is my favourite. Macro flower also looks so attractive. Natural beauty always attracts the peoples. Have a great weekend sir. Thanks for sharing.@r2cornell.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
Greetings sir!
We all love flowers. Your every posting and photography are charming. Really magnificent flowers and nature photography. Have a good day 🙂
Thank you very much. I am happy you enjoyed.
Hello sir @r2cornell, today you show a lot of pictures. the most I like is the yellow Begonia flower. I have never seen this flower. but this flower is very beautiful. I like it very much.
talking about Venezuela, I know they're all having a hard time. I really hope they are patient and hope this hard time is finished. I can only help them by continuing to provide support to them. and that's what I said to @aid.venezuela. I promised him and myself. I love them.
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Thank you very much. I am happy you enjoyed. And thank you for your words on Venezuela.
Do you have dogs?? if yes then please share them photographs..
i like the rose. in this post you share two different colors rose they are beautiful. i like to live with nature and your post have always full with nature... i love this thing in your post.
How is you wife??Hello @r2cornell
Yes I have 4 dogs. Here is a photograph where I got lucky and got all four posing for me. I may have used a similar photo in a post awhile back.
This rose is wonderful. I love this rose.

My photography. I am share a post 06 April. and I am share many kinds flowers in my post. you can see this post sir.
Thank you very much. Thank you for sharing your photo.
You are welcome sir
Good afternoon sir. You today gave us the opportunity to once again see the beauty of the nature of your places. It's great. I really like your post. Thank you very much.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
Wow..Beautiful flower photography ❀ I appreciate your good photography. Really awesome @r2cornell sir 🙂
Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
i also agree with you. spring is only for nature or flowers. thanks to share your beautiful photography. all photos are really nice. i also like yellow rose personally.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
Beautiful colors of nature . Nice photography .
Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
Beautiful photos!
I especially like the color of the rose on the first photo!
Thank you very much.
Spring is doing well. Very well nice flower pic.
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Thank you very much.
Lovely flowers :)
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Thank you very much.
This is an colorful flowers and looks so beautiful sir
Thank you very much.
I see a lot of beautiful flowers in your posts, I just think about how to grow those flowers well
Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
La primavera nos permite disfrutar de esas imagenes que nos traes hoy amigo @r2cornell además de disfrutar en todo su esplendor a las Rosas y Dios lo bendiga por su constante apoyo hacia el pueblo Venezolano de verdad me contenta mucho ya que nos hace sentir que no estamos solos y que desde muchos otros paises nos apoyan para salir de este mal momento. Saludos y que disfrute dn compañia de su familia este hermoso dia Domingo
Muchas gracias. Y gracias por tus amables palabras.
A tí @r2cornell por estar pendiente de todo un pueblo que necesita toda la ayuda posible
Wow. This really look so beautiful and amazing.
Thanks for sharing
Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
I hope you are well. Beautiful rose flower, nature photography. The rose is the queen of flowers. In the image, architecture or music industry, we are used to seeing photos of pink or to hear its name. Thanks for the post.Happy weekend sir @r2cornell
Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
Beautiful pics of flowers and places .
Happy weekend . Namaste
Thank you very much.
Rose pics are very beautiful. Thanks for sharing these pics . Namaste
Thank you very much.
The natural scenery of the mountains is soothing, beautiful flowers certainly add beauty.
Like photography @r2cornell
Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
Those are lovely shot. That’s a cool initiative thanks for sharing this with us and have a great week ahead!
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Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
So beautiful. Nice collection. I really appreciate your work. Waiting for another good post.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
Thank you so much for sharing a wonderful post with us. I really love the begonia, calm and delicate. I wish i could be involved on planting and nuturing like you. If i would ever, it will be mainly #hydroponics
Thank you very much @ajorundon. I appreciate it!
Hi @r2cornell sir
I have gone through your few posts and liked your photos. You showcase your great photo skills. I have followed you and will be learning from each post of yours.
Talking about this one, this rose bud is so beautiful and once its fully ready then will be even more beautiful.
Thank you very much. Welcome to my blog. Next weekend's post I plan on posting the rose when it is open. You will enjoy that!
Thank you
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Very true sir, this rose is getting ready to showcase its beauty but yellow one is also not less. That is also looking fabulous. Thanks much for sharing sir @r2cornell
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Next post I will try and use same rose when she is open. Thanks for your comment!
Is this rose flower?
It is a Begonia. The flower definitely resembles a rose.
The flower is like rose flower but the leaf is different. So I asked.
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I always liked Begonias because their leaves are beautiful and they remind me of roses. I have an Angel Wing Begonia that I got a start from a friend. I am still trying to get it to bloom. As I write this I had a flash of something new to try.
Wow..Magnificent flowers and nature photography. I always love flowers, I really like your awesome photography.
Great..Some great photography to take away the eye. Lovely flowers photography. Really you are a good photographer. I appreciate your nice work.
Wow! Such a wonderful flower photography and very nice article. Really your photography is awesome. I love Your post. Thank you for sharing with us...
I just #Resteemed your post
Thank you for the pictures.
I enjoy your lovely flowers and I hope you will visit my blog someday to see some of the beauties I have there.
Take Care
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I will open your blog and peruse it later.
Thank you very much. I only upvote one comment per user so will upvote your second one.
very nice photography
You are great man and great photographer
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