I usually do not post during the week, but I thought some may enjoy some photos I got from one of my game cameras. I only have one set up close to my house, as you will see some of the buildings. I should be able to get my other 3 game cameras set up somewhere in the hills behind my place soon. I cropped out a couple to try and get a better view, although some of the clarity decreased.
The first few are some bucks (whitetail deer), and their antlers are just starting to grow in. The shed them very early Spring. They will continue to grow back during the Summer. The males or bucks tend to group together during Spring and Summer. When Fall approaches they will become more solitary. Most of the time older ones will stay off by themselves during this time.
I found the following information on game cameras at www.dickssportinggoods.com:
This next couple of photos are of a doe (whitetail deer). Some of the younger does will stay together for the year. A lone does is usually pregnant and stay solitaire until their young gets older, which is usually well into the Fall months:
I had one of my game cameras set to take photographs instead of videos. When I get all of them set up some I will have set to just take photos and some to take videos, so I have a nice selection of both to choose from.
Recently someone asked for wildlife photos so these are the first I have gotten. The game camera is set to run automatically. The quality is not the same as my Canon.
I thought this may be a nice change of pace. I will be posting again on Saturday like I always do. I trust you will appreciate these photos.
that's so nice of you sharing this photos
Thank you. And thank you for visiting my post
Gambar yang bagus @r2cornell tentang seekor rusa , rusa adalah termasuk binatang yang sangat cepat, cara mengambil sangat bagus, postingan anda saya akan bagikan..
your most welcome sir
Thank my brother ,, may be blessed always, and healthy walafiat,
you are most welcome my blessed @boostee (42)
Hi my brother how do i want to level up like you @richordalom , please help my brother
Thank you!
Terima kasih @r2cornell telah membantu kami, kami sangat senang anda membuat postingan, karena postingan anda sangat bagus
Terima kasih @r2cornell telah membantu kami, kami sangat senang anda membuat postingan, karena postingan anda sangat bagus
Terima kasih @boostee
Sama-sama saudaraku @r2cornell
Wow really photography and great experience . so beautiful animals
Have a great day Thanks @r2cornell
Thank you!
There is only you and your camera. The limitations in your photography are in yourself, for what we see is what we are.
Thank you for your comment
Nice Shot and good wildlife photography thanks
Thank you.
Beautiful captures of whitetail deer . Namaste sir .
I am new join steemit. Please check my blog
Hi in my country colombia the wildlife it's too common in USA where you can find big animals as bears how you control that, i mean how you can live respeting the animals because in that photos i can see houses and willife near to them. Regards
Yes you have to watch out for some wildlife. Bears tend to stay in the hills and are seldom seen. The big animal that you have to be careful of is Moose. They will come in close to house. You must respect them because they can be very big. Deer are more of a nuisance, because they will eat your garden and even flowers close to house. One year I had them walk into my greenhouse and help themselves to tomatoes.
Good morning sir
Great comment sir.
Best of luck..
Just recently I took a picture of this beautiful doe. She was kind of watching us. She had beautiful eyes. You could sense she wasn’t afraid. Perhaps, because she felt respect from us.

Just feeling of you being surrounded by these beautiful animals is amazing. Your pictures look great!
Very nice. In the Fall when I spend a lot of time in the forest I will have them walk within a few paces of me, but I do not have the time now so the game cameras or trail cameras are nice. I am also playing with my telephoto (500 mm) lens which could provide me with some interesting opportunities.
Welcome sir.
Your photography and animals I appreciate it.
Here i will not say wonderful photography :p because you didn't capture them, they automatically are being captured. :pWow! FAntastic setup @r2cornell, I'm impressed. The first two pictures are kinda scary due to the eyes of deer, but still attractive too.
Thank you. Yes but using this type of camera it is automatic, but there is a better chance of getting a closeup.
Yes you are right, you get close shots of deer
whether it's your pet @r2cornell
Not a pet. I keep a tub of water available for the dry months. These are all wild animals...
wow ... so impressed, they will definitely be back on his next tun
Namsate sir, you take awesome pics of deer.
Thanks for sharing .
Thank you.
please see my post @r2cornell
whitetail deer and nice photo clicks took very closely to them. Tremendous effort.
Namaste.@r2cornell, Well explained about
Thanks you. The nice thing about the game cameras is you tie them to a tree and they are triggered when something comes by.
Most adorable photography collections of wild lifers. They have powerful eyes at night time. Waiting enemies every-time.
Thank you.
Thank you!
Postingan yang bagus @r2cornell saya suka dengan postingan anda dan saya ingin membagikannya postingan ini, semoga saya orang yang anda menyukainya... 😊😂
Terima kasih.
Insyaallah kedepan saya selalu mengunjungi blog anda dan mengikuti anda selalu @r2cornell
You captured some awesome pictures! I love animals and natural beauty. Thank you @r2cornell for sharing this! Looking forward to your next post on Saturday!
Thank you. And thank you for visiting my blog.
amazing photography of deer. nice camera work It is always difficult to capture wild life so closely and perfectly you
camera did a great job keep sharing @r2cornell
Thank you
amazing collection really nice post
tmx for share
Thank you!
Great job:)
Thank you for sharing at this hour, you made a good callWow this pictures are simply amazing sir @r2cornell nice graphic view of the whitetail deers
Thank you for visiting my blog
really very wonderfull photography of deer. i like animal.your photography always best.your deer eyes very attractive.this eyes looks similar light.just excellent shots photography.i am not comment proper time.because i am sleeping this time.when i wake up the bed and then check my feed.i seen you post giving 3hours before. i know you support my work and read my comment..you not capture this deer photo.its automatically capture . how excellent..black and white alltime very difference looks giving.i am appreciate your post.i hope that,you support my work.thank you for your great post. very well done take care yourself and best of luck of your great work..may god bless you and your sweet family.specially your wife .. my blessing alltime with you. sir @r2cornell
Thank you for kind words.
obviously welcome sir for your good commrnt.again thanks to knowing for your good support..sir @r2cornell very well done.take care yourself and best of luck of your great work..may god bless you.i want you alltime help my work.its very needs for me.because its gives me alots of encourage my steemit work matter..
The photography is amazing and the animals are beautiful and very fascinating.

Thank you!
The conversion of land adjacent to the northern Rockies into agriculture use and partial clear-cutting of coniferous trees (resulting in widespread deciduous vegetation) has been favorable to the white-tailed deer and has pushed its distribution to as far north as Fort St. John, British Columbia. Populations of deer around the Great Lakes have also expanded their range northwards, due to conversion of land to agricultural uses favoring more deciduous vegetation, and local caribou and moose populations. The westernmost population of the species, known as the Columbian white-tailed deer, once was widespread in the mixed forests along the Willamette and Cowlitz River valleys of western Oregon and southwestern Washington, but today its numbers have been considerably reduced, and it is classified as near-threatened.
great photography...
thank you @r2cornel sir
resteemed your blog
Thank you
Wow amazing shot, im new here at steemit and i also do some nature photography, you can check my blog
Thank you! I will check out your blog.
This is an awesome photography. Its really amazing photo and also creative art. I really impressed your photography.
Thank you!
What a beautiful shot. It's very calming.

Thank you!
very nice photography @r2cornell. and hopefully you are always in good health. please visit my blog once friends yes
Thank you. yes I try to visit your blog.
Thank you my friend
Very nice Photography to be enjoyed. I like it animals. I appreciate your photography.
Thank you. And thank you for visiting my blog
Rusa adalah binatang yang sangat susah di ambil gambarnya karena rusa adalah binatang yang sangat cepat larinya, tapi saya baru lihat @r2cornell telah menemukan gambar rusa ini, saya sangat suka dengan postingan anda @r2cornell saudaraku
Terima kasih.
Terima kasih juga untuk @r2cornell yang telah membantu kami,,
Cara mengambil gambar yang sangat bagus @r2cornell, tentang rusa, rusa sangat susah di ambil gambarnya, anda sangat bagus cara mengambilnya, saya sangat suka dengan postingan anda @r2cornell
Terima kasih.
Ok saudaraku @r2cornell, saya akan mengikuti anda selalu saudaraku @r2cornell
Very nice to be enjoyed. You photograph with the ability of extraordinary. Very beautiful! Thanks Sir!
Thank you
Oh thats really crazy,sir you are really a good photographer.i also like wild life photography But i dont have any camera.Sir thanks for sharing thats kind of content.
Thank you. And thank you for visiting my blog.
Sure, Sir.
Picture of animals are always special.... but it’s sad that 23 dear subspecies of deer are listed as endangered and are disappearing from the world. And in our country it’s more worse
Thank you! Yes in some areas of the world the deer are disappearing. We do not have that problem. First there is a lot of forest and mountains terrain. Second as human population has grown there are even more deer due them feeding in farmers fields and peoples yards/gardens. There are some residential areas where they are a major nuisance.
Geez! Very pamper the eyes. I think, your ability in photographing no doubt.
Thank you
Amazing your animals photography.Most welcome to steemit @r2cornell
I think white deer is not so common, they are rare.
Yes you are right, Game cameras are the best, i can see that, they captured images perfectly.
There are a lot of them around us. In the fall I hunt them and have meat for the winter months. I always plant extra in the garden because they will help themselves. It gets so dry I keep the tub of water for them. I also have salt and another mineral block to help their health.
Wonderful photographs sir you have really came up with something special.
Thank you very much.
@r2cornell wow amazing post. Thank you for sharing my Friend
Thank you!
you are welcome =)
This is awesome work sir how did you manage to take this pictures,night mode.
Thank you! I have a few cameras that are called game cameras or trail cameras. I set them up and leave them and then they are motion and heat sensitive. Depending on settings I can have photos taken or short video clips. If you have time to go to some of my post last October and November there are a few with video clips of both deer and elk.
Bagus, terima kasih sudah berbagi! Cinta melacak satwa liar di dekat rumahku.
Terima kasih.
Postingan yang unik kawan, saya sangat menyukainya, dan saya kagum dengan postingan anda jujur rusa ini sangat sulit untuk mengambil Gambar, sangat Keren kawan @r2cornell dan saya ingin selalu mengikuti blog anda @r2cornell, salam sejahtera kawan
Terima kasih. Saya senang Anda suka.
Sama sama kawan @r2cornell, saya suka dengan postingan anda karna saya senang sekali mengunjungi blog Anda @r2cornell
What an awesome gallery sir this is why we love you a lot.
Thank you. And thank you for visiting my blog.
Nice, thank you for sharing! Love tracking the wildlife near my house.
Thank you for visiting my blog. Yes it is fun watching wildlife, especially when they come so close to my house.
Surprised to see your post containing wildlife photos instead of the flowers and plants! :D
I am impressed by your skills, you are good at using stealth cam as well as your telescope. Very well captured.
Thank you. More flower photos and gardening photographs coming. I had some nice deer photos so I thought it would be a nice change of pace.
Beautiful pictures of wildlife. Wildlife photography is my passion but I have never really got the chance.
Will grab every opportunity that comes in way.
Thank you. Glad you like wildlife. I have some photos of ducklings I took yesterday but have not sorted through all my photos that I took.
Oh wow...lot of Whitetail deers come to garden and very near to houses. Deers like to live in forest areas. But I first time see this scene. Just awesome.
We have forest all around us so a lot of deer. The older bucks tend to stay in the forested hills behind my place. They will go to higher elevation until Fall.
These photos are like a surprise gift, and you're very lucky to live on such a beautiful place very close to nature and wildlife.
Hopefully you'll get chance to Capture bear's someday 😝 and when you're gonna try trail camera???
I hope to get the other cameras set up soon. I am hoping to get a lot of different wildlife photos. It would be nice to get photos of the young ones which should start being born soon. Than you for visiting my blog
I was expecting a post full of flowers, but it is something change, Can i know how much it cost you to setup these Game cameras, I think they are the best.
I paid about $100 for the first one then they went on sale and I bought two more. A friend bought one and could not figure out how to set it up so sold it to my at 1/2 price. I used my profits last Fall when cryptocurrencies were booming. If you go back to posts I made last October and November there should be some that have links to video clips of both deer and Elk.
I took over 200 photos of flowers yesterday so there will be more coming.
postingan yang bagus dan menarik rusa karena susah ambil photo rusa nya karena masih jauh udah kabur
Terima kasih. Ya sulit untuk mendapatkan foto yang bagus. Mereka suka keluar saat fajar dan kemudian saat matahari terbenam. Jadi pencahayaan juga bisa jadi masalah
Postingan yang Sangat bagus kawan @r2cornell mengambilan gambar yang sangat baik
Terima kasih.
Sama sama sobat, saya sangat senang bisa mengunjungi blog Anda, dan bisa menjadi teman baik anda @r2cornell
Really something those creatures.
Thank you for visiting my blog