in #photography5 years ago (edited)

Purple Aster


When Fall approaches my Asters begin to bloom. I have only two colors this year, and with that two varieties. I experimented with planting in containers. Previously I posted a pink Aster which was developed for containers. This purple aster is a Giant Aster (Name comes from height of plant and not the bloom). Next year I am planning for more containers and more varieties.
Cuando el otoño se acerca, mis asters comienzan a florecer. Este año sólo tengo dos colores, y con eso dos variedades. Experimenté con plantar en contenedores. Anteriormente había publicado un Aster rosa que fue desarrollado para contenedores. Este aster púrpura es un aster gigante (el nombre viene de la altura de la planta y no de la floración). El próximo año estoy planeando más contenedores y más variedades.

Some are aware that I created a new account to curate links left in our Post-Promotion channels on r2cornell's Discord Community. There is one for English and another for Spanish. I funded the account with Steem Power and some of the Tribal Tokens like NEOXAG and SPACO. There are others but these have more Tokens in the account. I transferred some from my main account, although most were in the form of delegations.

There has been more activity in the community since I started setting this up. If you have not been to the community the invite link is, and I set it to not expire.

Algunos saben que he creado una nueva cuenta para "curate" los enlaces dejados en nuestros canales de Post-Promoción en la Comunidad de Discordia de r2cornell. Hay uno para inglés y otro para español. Financié la cuenta con Steem Power y algunos de los Tribales Tokens como NEOXAG y SPACO. Hay otros pero estos tienen más Tokens en la cuenta. Transferí parte de mi cuenta principal, aunque la mayoría fueron en forma de delegaciones.

Ha habido más actividad en la comunidad desde que empecé a establecer esto. Si no has estado en la comunidad, el enlace de invitación es, y lo he configurado para que no caduque.

Be sure and follow @dsc-r2cornell so "posts" will show in your feed. My plans are to do a "curation" report. I have been working on the format and hope to have a report completed and up-loaded Sunday or Monday. I have not made a final decision as to how many "posts" I will include in the report, but plan on selecting some of the best ones.

In the event your "post" was "curated", yet did not make it into the report does not mean it was not of high quality. As we begin this process please be aware that we will adjust to improve what we are doing from week to week.

Asegúrese de seguir @dsc-r2cornell para que los "posts" se muestren en su feed. Mis planes son hacer un informe de "curation". He estado trabajando en el formato y espero tener un informe completado y cargado el domingo o el lunes. No he tomado una decisión final sobre cuántos "posts" incluiré en el informe, pero pienso seleccionar algunos de los mejores.
En el caso de que su "post" haya sido "curated", pero que no aparezca en el informe no significa que no sea de alta calidad. Al comenzar este proceso, por favor tenga en cuenta que nos ajustaremos para mejorar lo que estamos haciendo de semana en semana.

I plan to reinvest all earnings after paying the person curating . Any member can greet newcomers, or just interact with others. I am hoping for more interaction and support between members. Also, if you expect others to "curate" your "post" then you should do the same for others. Even if you do not have the voting power, a good comment is welcomed by most

I look forward to seeing you there.

Planeo reinvertir todas las ganancias después de pagar la persona que hace la curaduría. Cualquier miembro puede saludar a los recién llegados, o simplemente interactuar con otros. Espero que haya más interacción y apoyo entre los miembros. Además, si esperas que otros "curate" tu "post", entonces deberías hacer lo mismo por los demás. Incluso si usted no tiene el poder de voto, un buen comentario es bienvenido por la mayoría.

Espero verlos allí.

end of post graphic.png

Now it is time to move on to more photographs. I could not make a decision as to which sunflower photograph to use today, but narrowed it down to two. I will see if I can insert both of them this week.
Ahora es el momento de pasar a más fotografías. No pude tomar una decisión sobre qué foto de girasol usar hoy, pero la reduje a dos. Veré si puedo insertarlos a los dos esta semana.


The first one I liked the contrast between the two colors of sunflowers. In the second one I liked the way the sun shown through the petals. I trust you will enjoy both.
La primera me gustó el contraste entre los dos colores de los girasoles. En la segunda me gustó la forma en que el sol se mostraba a través de los pétalos. Confío en que disfrutará de ambos.


I thought I would include this next photograph for fun. This rock has kept me company in one of my gardens for many years. I have another that I need to try and find, because he tends to work his way underground every year. For or now the one in the photograph is helping hold up my aloe vera plant.
Pensé en incluir esta próxima fotografía por diversión. Esta roca me ha acompañado en uno de mis jardines durante muchos años. Tengo otro que necesito tratar de encontrar, porque tiende a trabajar bajo tierra todos los años. Por o ahora el de la foto está ayudando a sostener mi planta de aloe vera.


Here is a photograph that was taken a couple of months ago by one of my "trail" cameras. Here he is still in velvet, but at the present time his antlers have hardened.

Aquí hay una fotografía que fue tomada hace un par de meses por una de mis cámaras "trail". Aquí todavía está en terciopelo, pero en la actualidad sus cuernos se han endurecido.


Some my wife's miniature roses got infested with spider mites. We are trying to save one of them. I was in the store earlier this week and bought her a yellow one. In the past she mentioned she wanted to get a yellow one.
Algunas rosas en miniatura de mi esposa fueron infestadas con ácaros araña. Estamos tratando de salvar a uno de ellos. Estuve en la tienda a principios de esta semana y le compré uno amarillo. En el pasado mencionó que quería una amarilla.


Our final photograph is a close-up of a Geranium bloom. I have taken this one inside to my plant room, to try and grow under lights for the winter. I love the deep red coloring.
Nuestra fotografía final es un primer plano de una flor de geranio. He llevado a este dentro de mi cuarto de plantas, para tratar de crecer bajo las luces durante el invierno. Me encanta el color rojo intenso.


I am using a Canon EOS Rebel T5 for all of these photographs, except where noted.

Estoy usando un Canon EOS Rebel T5 para todas estas fotografías, excepto cuando se indique lo contrario.

end of post graphic.png


This brings us to the end of my post. I trust every one found at least one thing they enjoyed.

I am not going to add a lot more to this post, so I can work on the first "curation" report for @r2cornell's Discord Community. The invite link is:

We select "posts" from our Post-Promotion channels to "curate".

Be sure and follow @dsc-r2cornell so the "curation" report will show up in your feed. I have delegated to @dsc-r2cornell's wallets for several of the Tribes, so the curation will earn you more than just on steemit.

Have a great weekend, and upcoming week.

Esto nos lleva al final de mi puesto. Confío en que todos hayan encontrado al menos una cosa que disfrutaron.

No voy a añadir mucho más a este post, así que puedo trabajar en el primer informe de "curación" para la comunidad de la Discordia de @r2cornell. El enlace de invitación es:

Seleccionamos "posts" de nuestros canales de Post-Promoción para "curate".

Asegúrese de seguir @dsc-r2cornell para que el informe de "curation" aparezca en su feed. He delegado a las carteras de @dsc-r2cornell para varias de las Tribus, así que la curaduría te hará ganar más que sólo en steemit.

Que tengan un buen fin de semana, y la próxima semana.

I was able to complete the English version of the curation report for R2cornell's Discord Community. Here is the link:
Pude completar la versión en inglés del informe de comisariado para la comunidad de Discordia de R2cornell. Aquí está el enlace:



There are 2 pages

Hola @r2cornell
¡Gracias por escribir en español!
Hermosas fotos y buen articulo.
Muy bien, tu proyecto de curación.
Me da fobia entrar en Discord, pero intentaré hacerlo por invitación.
Espero que tus seres queridos estén bien, con sus perros y todo en general.

Hi @r2cornell
Thanks for writing in Spanish!
Beautiful photos and good article.
Very good, your healing project.
It makes me phobic to enter Discord, but I will try to do it by invitation.
I hope your loved ones are fine, with their dogs and everything in general.

Thank you very much for visiting. Glad you liked the photos and article.

You can join r2cornell's discord channel ( and use it to drop a link to your post in one of the Post-Promotion channels. Many use the community for that and not for chatting. There is a Spanish channel for chatting as well as English.

Muchas gracias por su visita. Me alegra que te hayan gustado las fotos y el artículo.

Puedes unirte al canal de discordia de r2cornell ( y usarlo para dejar un enlace a tu "post" en uno de los canales de Post-Promoción. Muchos usan la comunidad para eso y no para chatear. Hay un canal de chat en español e inglés.

How are you @r2cornell? I like your post about purple Aster,it's interesting flower, good planning for more containers and more varieties

Thank you very much. I am doing well.

Yellow roses. Marvelous. They remind me of Colombian author, Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
I think you can use the term cámara de rastro o cámara remota for trail camera. I wonder, have an animal ever attacked or damage any of those?

Thank you very much.

Sometimes I get confused when I try and convert the Spanish back into English. To me it sometimes changes the meaning a lot.

I have never had an animal damage or attack one of my cameras. I did have an Elk yearling smelling and licking one a couple of years ago. It is in a video clip that is around 7- 10 seconds long. I used to be able to share those clips with a link from my DropBox, but they have since changed things and I have yet to figure a way to do it. It was quite the sight.

Hahaha. I can imagine. Yes, some translations, especially of tech stuff are very awkward and that's when languages tend to use the original language instead. In the case of eng-spanish, we have quite a few anglicisms (I'll post about it shortly) which work better in spanish just the way they "were born" (pendrive, fax, taxi, capture, twit, sofware, etc.)

What a beauty of Aster! the purple color is beautiful and yellow roses combine very well!
The stone is funny! I see there a nose hehehe
Sir @r2cornell maybe you may want to take a look at this tribe

Thank you very much. I am happy you liked.

I believe this one I call Fred, and the one that I have to find in garden I named George They both have sort of a face.

I logged into the Tribe's site, and bought some so I can monitor it. Thank you


This post has been manually curated, resteemed
and gifted with some virtually delicious cake
from the @helpiecake curation team!

Much love to you from all of us at @helpie!
Keep up the great work!


Manually curated by @priyanarc.

@helpie is a Community Witness.
For more information about our project,
please visit this month’s UPDATE post.

Thank you very much @priyanarc

@priyanarc tipped 20 SKATE TOKENS for this post!

I really love the entire update .. Hope you are having a good day..

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh!! great flowers shots . so amazing photos.

Thank you very much

@r2cornell, In my opinion it's a blessing to explore these kind of flowers. It have so much of welcoming essence. Stay blessed brother.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you very much. I am happy you appreciate the photographs.

Welcome and thank you.

Posted using Partiko Android

Wonderful photo share. Deer picture is the best

Thank you very much

Wonderful flower photography. its great sir, that is valuable post.
Thanks @r2cornell
Have a nice day.

Congratulations @goldcoin, you are successfuly trended the post that shared by @r2cornell!
@r2cornell got 1.87050600 TRDO & @goldcoin got 1.24700400 TRDO!

"Call TRDO, Your Comment Worth Something!"

To view or trade TRDO go to
Join TRDO Discord Channel or Join TRDO Web Site

Thank you very much @goldcoin.

Purple Aster flowers is gorgeous

Thank you very much

Amazing photography

Thank you very much

Wonderful flower shots as always. Fall has been slowly taking over my Czech homeland too. Here is what the landscape looked like about a week ago. Oh and the forests are literally brimming with mushrooms this year. I love mushroom picking. Do you pick mushrooms?


Thank you. Beautiful scenic view.

I love mushrooms and can only recognize one safe species in our area. I remember my grandmother going mushrooming, and then making a large kettle of mushroom soup. I can still remember the smell in the kitchen while it simmered, mixed with the smell of fresh baked bread. Unfortunately I was only 7 when she died (60 years ago) and never had the chance to learn from her.

Ah, too bad you don´t feel comfortable mushrooming anymore. I love it. I mean I love wandering around forests in every part of the year but those late summer / early fall walks are even more enjoyable as you can pick some beautiful mushrooms that you can then make yourself an awesome dinner from. Here is one of my latest catches :)


Looks like you had a nice mushroom hunt.

Hello sir, Hope you will be fine and healthy. Nice Comeback with more Beautiful Flowers like always thanks you for Exploring this natural beauty with Us Have a great day and stay blessed

Thank you very much. I am happy you liked.

All flowers are so beautiful

Thank you very much

Great shoot, Thanks for sharing sir

Thank you very much.

Purple Aster and yellow roses impressive images to me. Another photos also beautiful. I like to watch new images every week from you. Happy Sunday.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it

Hola amigo @r2cornell!! Aún recuerdo tus posteos y tu solidaridad en weku! Que bueno encontrarte por aquí también!

Recuerdo tus características publicaciones de bellas flores y trabajos en madera.

También recuerdo que has estado contándonos sobre el estado de salud de tu esposa que en ese entonces estaba con alguna dolencia. Cómo sigue ella amigo?

Espero que todo esté bien en tu vida y comenzaré a leerte por aquí. He reingresado hace muy poco.

Te envío un fuerte abrazo!!

Saludos. Me alegro de verte aquí. Me di por vencido con weku porque no podía ver hacia dónde iba. No había una manera fácil de retirar las ganancias. Todavía soy curador de publicaciones allí si alguien me envía un enlace.

La salud de mi esposa se ha estabilizado. Ella está haciendo más, lo que debería ayudarla a lograr un mejor equilibrio y resistencia.

Suelo publicar semanalmente con esta cuenta, y paso por También tengo otra cuenta que estoy usando para curate los posts que quedan en mi canal de promoción de post en Discord. (@dsc-r2cornell). aquí hay un enlace de invitación:

Tenemos un canal en inglés y español para chatear y post promoción.

Estan muy hermosas las flores, me gustan los girasoles. La última flor es de un color muy hermoso. Gracias por compartirlas.
Ya empece a seguir tu otra cuenta, trataré de accerder a la comunidad en Discord.
Un abrazo :D

Muchísimas gracias. Espero verte en Discordia. Conservaremos los enlaces a los posts de la izquierda en los canales de Post-Promoción.

1st and last flowers is beautiful
I am share my photography post today

Thank you very much.

Hello friend, as it is always a pleasure to greet you, I hope you are well with your family! 😇

I just joined his discord channel, I'm not very active there, however I will try. Every time the internet allows me, it is failing again more frequently. 😢

Enjoy your images as always, the second sunflower was my favorite today 😍.
Greetings, I hope to read it next time!

Thank you very much. I understand about the Internet issues. The activity on the Discord Community is increasing. I am hoping it will continue and that we can see more links in the Post-Promotion channel for curating.

Take care

Wonderful photography, Awesome photographer & Amazing quality.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

La fotografía principal es estupenda casualmente estaba buscando una flor para pintar una acuarela y me gusta mucho esa, no tenia idea de cómo se llamaba, espero que tenga mucho éxito en su proyecto de curación, su publicación fue muy educativa, aprendí sobre el terciopelo de los cuernos de los venados.

Ah espero que consiga su otras roca y que consiga también a la roca angular.

" He aquí, estoy colocando en Sión una piedra elegida, una piedra angular preciosa (honrada) ,
y el que cree en Él [el que se adhiere, confía y confía en Él] nunca se decepcionará [en sus expectativas]". JESÚS
1 Pedro 2:6

The main photograph is great casually I was looking for a flower to paint a watercolor and I really like that one, I had no idea what it was called, I hope it is very successful in its healing project, its publication was very educational, I learned about the velvet of Deer antlers

Oh I hope he gets his other rock and that he also gets the angular rock.

"Behold, I am placing in Zion a chosen stone, a precious cornerstone (honored),
and he who believes in Him [he who adheres, trusts and trusts in Him] will never be disappointed [in his expectations]. " JESUS
1 Peter 2: 6

Thanks for sharing.

Thank you very much. If you can use the photograph of the aster in your paining please use it.
Muchísimas gracias. Si puedes usar la fotografía del aster en tu pintura, por favor úsala.

Great photos!
Astra's color is just amazing!

Thank you very much.



Thank you for the nice up-vote!

Hola señor @r2cornell, Que bonitas son todas las flores que publicaste, mi favorita es la primera. Es muy bonito el ciervo, ellos están muy acostumbrados a visitarte siempre.

Hola, y muchas gracias. Me alegro de que lo hayas disfrutado.

wow it's very nice photography my dear friend @r2cornell

Thank you very much.

Greetings sir @r2cornell. Really mind blowing flowers photography especially the Sunflowers are looking gorgeous.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

লাল ফুল টা অনেক সুন্দর। আমি এই ফুলটা দেখেছি মনে হয়।

আপনাকে অনেক ধন্যবাদ. এটি একটি সুন্দর লাল। শীতের জন্য আলোর নিচে বাড়ার জন্য আমি এইগুলির একটি ধারক আমার উদ্ভিদ ঘরে নিয়ে এসেছি।

Great week yet again and its about to start the fall season lets see the change it brings with that always keep sharing and make us happy :D

Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

Your flowers look very beautiful, sir. Really the flowers that beautify the world.

Thank you very much.

Woww such a beautiful flowers and amazing photography

Thank you very much.

Saludos r2cornell, como siempre, usted nos deleita con sus lindas flore, soy su más ferviente admiradora. Muchas gracias por compartir con nosotros tan hermosa variedad de flores.

Thank you very much. And thank you for your kind words.
Muchísimas gracias. Y gracias por sus amables palabras.

@r2cornell, Water droplets on the flower gave big inspiration to my eyes through last capture. There are more color combination. I can think how you love to the flowers and beautiful nature. Every blogs you included valuable info to others.
Happy weekend.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

I like the rock you put in alu vera pot as an object your photography and I know your writingg now side by side with different languange. Thanks for your support in community sir. Blessing

Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

This single sunflowers picture is super. I like this one

Thank you very much.

Number one and number three photograph I liked most. Just amazing both of those.

Thank you very much.

Indeed, asters are now in bloom. It is amazing how such delicate flowers tolerate cold temperature. The flowers are beautiful as always. Thank you.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Thank you for visiting.

Happy and blessed weekend Mr. @ r2cornell, the beginning of your post, this week, it is wonderful, that Purple Aster, is a beautiful.
I am very happy and I congratulate you for your new healing community. You have always been very generous in supporting small users like me, for which I will always be grateful.

Thank you very much.

I am hoping the community will continue to grow. I am able to vote with the new curating account and if I have enough Voting Power in my regular account I will be upvoting comments on posts from @dsc-r2cornell


Hermosas rosas, maravillosas flores
bendita creación.
tanta belleza que hay en el medio ambiente
es magnífica la bondad del Creador
Gracias xcorniel por compartir tanta hermosura
gracias sinceras te doy,
me recreo al contemplar esas magníficas flores
entre las que está el girasol,
ah, y tu ciervo preferido que está como espectador.

Muchísimas gracias. Me alegro de que lo hayas disfrutado.

I forgot the name of this shrub/plant that turns some of its leaves to a red color when December nears. I always look at it in front of our house where once a clinic stood. @r2cornell :D
Very beautiful Aster flower is indeed.

Thank you very much @cryptopie.

Hi dear @r2cornell

A long time ago I told you that sunflowers are the favorite flowers of my two daughters of my wife and mine.

In fact, in the hallway before entering our apartment we have some pockets with sunflowers sown.

they don't grow much, since the sun only gives midmorning because then the building covers it. However, they are still very beautiful.

By the way my little daughter started writing stories or stories for children and she used this picture of our garden

My first story, "The field of magic flowers."

Hace mucho tiempo te comente que los girasoles, son las flores preferidas de mis dos hijas de mis esposa y mia.

De hecho en el pasillo antes de entrar a nuestro apartamento tenemos unos porrones con girasoles sembrados.

no crecen mucho, ya que el SOL solo da media mañana porque luego el edifico lo tapa. sin embargo no dejan de ser muy hermosas.

POr cierto mi hija pequeña comenzo a escribir cuentos o historias para niños y ella utilizo esta fotografia de nuestro jardin

Muchísimas gracias. Me gusta la forma en que cultivas los girasoles. Abrí el enlace y leeré la historia de su hija. Se lo agradezco.
Thank you very much. I like the way you growing the sunflowers. I opened the link and will read your daughters story. I appreciate it.

Hello sir I was late to see the latest posts from you. I did not realize that you have published the latest post. I thank you very much for curating from the @dsc-r2cornell account. it really really helps a lot of people. of course with this program, people will be more enthusiastic about making quality posts.

there are 2 flowers that I like the most here. purple daisies and yellow roses. I was amazed to see purple daisies. it really looks very beautiful.

Thank you very much.

Awesome color of flowers

Wao the purple Aster is beautiful. I like it, besides the color is one of my favorites. I also like the sunflowers combination a lot, I can see in the background, the other sunflowers, a wide photo of the sunflower field must be beautiful, that all your sunflowers be seen to appreciate them.
Here we call the geraniums "boyfriends", the flower corsages, look like a bride's buquet.

Thank you very much. I have another photo of one of the asters that has opened completely. Hope to share it soon.


Thank you very much for the tip!

Wonderful photography sir

Thank you very much.

Nice Photography.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you very much.

Fantastic Photography, yellow rose is mind blowing

Thank you very much.

There are 2 pages