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RE: Reunited with my ugly sweaters!

in #photography8 years ago

So I check it out and its cute and I am thinking "her name is ugly sweater and her most recent post is ugly sweater does this lady just post about uglysweaters every day? So I had to go and check ur profile and so far I saw at least one post not about uglysweaters hahahaHahaha so I came to your page because of @gringalicious and I see your most recent post is about, well "uglysweters's" of course.

Thanks for bringing humor to peoples lives. I can see you and @gringalicious having lots of laughs at ur many inside jokes. Laughing is very healthy.

Best Regards~*~


So funny! Yes, I do enjoy ugly sweaters and making people laugh, but I also enjoy posting about many other things, too!
You're right, laughing is so healthy!
Your posts sound like you enjoy helping people! Thanks for what you do for others!
I appreciate your comment! :D

Yes I dedicated my life to helping not just people but the entire earth. Of which if I may say so is actually more important than humanity.

I can see you enjoy making people laugh, though not sure how "ugly" those sweaters actually are hahahaha

Its more your humor not the sweaters. Though based on your name u obviously have something going on for you with sweaters hahahahahhhaahaahhahahaha

Haha, I hope so! 😄