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RE: Our Silent Third, New Poetry, Digital Art and Photography, Revisited Poetry and Spoken Word, Blog

in #photography3 years ago

Yes ... our minds work in metaphor and run our understanding through whatever it is we have gained knowledge of. Going back to the occurrences of the last year. I spend a lot of time in post-secondary study and so I saw everything from a science and social science perspectives. A friends grandmother (who also lived through the holocaust) saw those jabs as the sign of the devil.

Hear me out ... I don't think that, but I think her mind framed it that way to warn her.They are taken into ones body way more than any communion and those that took it believed it was a 'saviour' and it had people turning on their fellow humans who did not take it. Every day we learn more that it is dangerous and false saviour. So from a symbolic point of view it was stop on. That same friend had a dream(he is still not awake but boy are we trying to wake him up) that I was a Black Widow type super hero trying to take down an authoritarian world government and he had been brainwashed and joined them. This was before the WEF became commonly discussed. He is one of the best people I know but not trust his mind.

It is what Jung referred to as the collective unconsciousness, not yet proven by science and so disregarded. But it is there.


I think another way to say it is that our minds work in symbols, or "pictures", but then yes I agree we turn those pictures and symbols into metaphors and it's really quite fascinating when you get down to some of those "nuts and bolts" so to speak, some of the most basic seeming things.

I don't necessarily see things in light of God and the Devil, but I don't deny it either as I'm not able to prove it one way or the other so I try to stay as open minded as possible and I generally agree with your sentiments.

That's a cool dream your friend had! :)
I think there's a lot of interesting symbolism in dreams as well, but that's a whole other subject!

But, yes... I think it is related to the collective unconsciousness, or some might describe it in other ways like the collective consciousness or the Akashic Records or numerous other things.
Interesting stuff for sure!

For me sounds and words are more impactful. I absolutely think in words. But yes, I think it true for most that they think in images. My dreams are a meld of energy (feeling) and images though.

Well, I've actually thought about that before and in my opinion words are pictures. And, even sound has picture or symbolic shape to it even if we can't see it with our eyes. I'm sure you're probably aware of cymatics? I'm definitely open minded to the possibility that we think in things other than pictures/symbols, but... I'm not very sure or aware of how that might work and I think virtually everything can be reduced to a symbol or a picture or a set of "information", interesting to think about though whatever the truth is!

For sure we translate energy in ways we may not be aware of. I believe that.