Rain Bringers; Blog, New Digital Photography, Art and Haiku, Revisited Poetry and Spokenword

in #photography3 years ago


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rain drops
fire in the iris
on the Way


Micellular World

douse your sceptre
with the font of notions
expand and breathe

life into ideas

don’t blow too hard
the meniscus will tear
creation is durable
but vulnerable
at inception

energetic glycerin
finds the balance
between polarity
and lack

without resistance
your effervescent crown
will be a worlds-traveller


thought bubbles
come together
colloidal collisions
create the unintended

happy accidents

on the cosmic level

watch sharp edges
don’t hold on too tight
with attachment
prodding and pressure
mirrored vesicles
blister and explode

pop, pop, pop

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what could have been
now the filmy remains of it
so painful
wring your hands
too long
slippery to gritty
a cleanse
becomes a sanding


go gently and allow
a bubble to be a bubble
revel at each iridescent globe
before rushing to wave your wand
and spell some more

between breaths
marvel at your micellar world

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From my youtube response(edited) ...

You and Maté elevate the conversation on this and addressed the paradoxes that exist. No side is completely good and no side completely evil. Our id drives us to demean and dehumanize those that disagree with us. This is of course arrested development at its best. The mind set of pre-teens.

I was on Twitter this morning (okay it was the afternoon) and most of the arguments deteriorated to one side being Trump supporters and made up of racists, misogynists, and knuckle-draggers, and the other side, dumb, globalist, laptop liberal, MAPS. These extremes do exist and like any with a mind virus; they want to spread their way of thinking and doing. We can't allow either to do so. But most people are good and want to do good, but no one is perfect; so everyone can be attacked on their inconsistencies. These inconsistencies hi-lighted by propagandist media and made into a monster.

If we are as a human race to evolve/progress past this very harmful state of arrested development, we have to go past divisive labelling. Stop emphasizing fear and using people as pawns to fight against our fears and begin again to empower everyday people.


My understanding of Ukraine conflict from talking to everyday Russians in my neighbourhood and those with Russian heritage confirms Matê's take, but that does not mean that we should be onside with Russia. Certainly they also support the interests of a few and not everyday people.

War is rarely ever in the interest of everyday people, or the planet. A Humanitarian war ... no such thing ... a lot of anti-humanitarism preceded any war. Anyone seeking to increase their own power and influence, emphasizing fear and not empowerment; labeling enemies and dumb downing the argument to sides, portraying themselves as a hero, is not a humanitarian; they are an opportunist, and not to be trusted with power. That does not mean they cannot do good; but they are not yet wise enough to lead.

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75 of 81

It is a wise ruler
Who takes from the farmer
To conserve from each harvest
To plant the fields anew

It is a wise ruler
Who takes from the farmer
For the time when the fields must rest
To remain fertile every field must rest

link to spoken word

Take too much
Conserve too much
The farmers can do naught but rest

A wise ruler conserves no more than needed
Feeds the will of her farmers

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Words and Images are my own.

Micellular Word is published in Monsters, Avatars and Angels.
Click on any title below to further explore and support my writing.






