Ponder the Garden
your co-opted
breathe deeply
open your eyes
ponder the garden
but within
her vastness
she nurtures
freedom and possibility
allows change
movement and mingling
is essential and encouraged
so ALL may evolve
within the whole
the flower
denied the little feet
of winged midwifes
produces a seed
that cannot take root
a seed
from the wind
robs it soil
minerals depleted
chemicals siphoned
earth acidified
eat the fat of the land
allow hooves their earth
free tread, space, and time
maintain the roots
multiplicity and wealth
bequeath life
to future generations
allow little things
their breeze play
or weaken the stem
that supports the flower
have no more garden
to ponder
It is very important that we stop conflating being treated with that MRNA as some kind of vote or support for the mandates. It is not; NO ONE was given INFORMED CONSENT whether they took it voluntarily or because of the COERCIVE powers of mandates.
COERCION is NOT CONSENT; it is a crime against humanity and an act of violence. An irreversible one. The treatment does not prevent transmission and an acknowledge side effect of it is death. The ethical parameters that should govern its use are informed consent, relative risk and choice; not mandates and withheld Charter Rights.

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The best governing
Is no different than the best parenting
The nation is guided by the leader
For the ends the people see
The leader foresees no ends
The child is guided by the parent
For the ends the child sees
The parent foresees no ends
Link to the spoken word
The leader, the parent
Intervenes only when
The people, the children
Fight the Tao
Fight each other
With a gentle hand
Redirection is offered
To do otherwise is to fight the Tao
There is no hand strong enough
To fight the Tao
Words and Images are my own.
Ponder the Garden was first published on the HIVE blockchain and it is a repost. Click on any title below to further explore and support my writing.

Beautiful photos. The daffodils just came into bloom in my area. Appreciate their sunshine faces each year.
Harbingers of better things:)