Insectos en la casa. / Insects in the house. [Esp-Eng].

in #photography4 years ago

Insectos Fascinantes

Fascinating Insects


Gente buena, gente alegre, gente bloguera que bueno saludarles de nuevo, estos días he tenido un par de visitas que me alegraron uno el día y otra la noche, pues de los alrededores frondosos de naturaleza llegaron estos pequeños insectos los cuales con sus hermosos colores posaron para mi creo que de la mejor manera que un fotógrafo podría desear.
Good people, happy people, blogger people that good to greet you again, these days I have had a couple of visits that made me happy one day and the other the night, because from the lush surroundings of nature these small insects arrived, which with their beautiful colors they posed for me I think in the best way a photographer could wish for.

El primero en aparecer fue este pequeño que en realidad no tengo la menor idea de que insecto pueda ser, primera vez en mi vida que veo un insecto con estos colores y con esta forma, tiene especie de escarabajo pero seria una cruel mentira si lo confirmara, pues no tengo el conocimiento necesario investigue bastante en la web, pero no hallé a este amiguito por ningún lado el que tiene un cierto parecido quizás por sus colores es El Escarabajo de la caña de Nueva Guinea.
The first to appear was this little guy who actually I have no idea what insect it could be, the first time in my life that I see an insect with these colors and with this shape, it has a kind of beetle but it would be a cruel lie if I confirmed it Well, I don't have the necessary knowledge, I did a lot of research on the web, but I didn't find this little friend anywhere, the one that has a certain resemblance, perhaps because of its colors, is The New Guinea Cane Beetle.

Escarabajo joya de Madagascar (polybothris sumptuosa gemma)
Madagascar jewel beetle (Polybothris sumptuosa gemma)




A este pequeño insecto siempre le tuve el respeto y la distancia prudente, pues sus colores aunque llamativos y hermosos por un momento te cautivan, pero no dejan de alarmarte pues no es común apreciar estos hermosos colores super vibrantes y eléctricos que causan esa sensación de ¡ey cuidado! no te acerques mucho y estaba en plenas condiciones, super activo volaba y se movía bastante rápido, acá les muestro otras dos tomas que hice antes de que se marchara.
I always had respect for this little insect and a prudent distance, because its colors, although striking and beautiful for a moment, captivate you, but they do not stop alarming you because it is not common to appreciate these beautiful super vibrant and electric colors that cause that feeling of! hey watch out! do not get too close and it was in full condition, super active it flew and moved quite fast, here I show you two other shots that I did before it left.



Mas tarde por la noche estoy caminando hacia la nevera a tomar agua y consigo a esta hermosa Mantis Religiosa (santateresa, mamboretá, campamocha o tatadiós o simplemente mantis) en la cocina, con su color verde hermosa moviendo sus patas delanteras como si estuviera rezando; de allí deriva su nombre por ese movimiento o posición en que coloca sus patas delanteras con las cuales atrapa a sus presas con mayor facilidad para devorarlas,lo curioso de este animal es que su nombre Mantis viene del griego que significa profeta o adivino, algunos pueblos indígenas africanos este insecto era una manifestación de Dios, el insecto representa según creencias la piedad o espiritualismo y conseguirlas en casa puede significar que los ángeles te están vigilando, puede ser que en ese momento un ángel me vigilaba lo veré de esa manera, ¿qué opinan ustedes?.
Later at night I am walking to the fridge to drink water and I get this beautiful Praying Mantis (santateresa, mamboretá, campamocha or tatadiós or simply mantis) in the kitchen, with its beautiful green color moving its front legs as if it were praying; from there it derives its name from that movement or position in which it places its front legs with which it catches its prey more easily to devour them, the curious thing about this animal is that its name Mantis comes from the Greek that means prophet or soothsayer, some African indigenous peoples this insect was a manifestation of God, the insect represents piety or spiritualism according to beliefs and getting them at home may mean that angels are watching you, it may be that at that moment an angel was watching me I'll see it in that way, what do you guys think?.






Mientras mas tomas hacia, mas me posaba y mejores fotos iban surgiendo tomando una distancia prudente para no asustarla y aprovechándome del zoom de la cámara logre estas buenas tomas.
The more you took towards, the more I posed and better photos were emerging taking a safe distance so as not to scare her and taking advantage of the camera's zoom to achieve these good shots.









Sigamos cuidando la naturaleza y sus preciosas creaciones que nos cautivan e inspiran a generar buen contenido.
Let's continue taking care of nature and its precious creations that captivate and inspire us to generate good content.

Siempre sera un placer y un honor mostrar parte de mi trabajo, como siempre les digo Sígueme @Portill08, Comenta, comparte y si es de tu agrado Vota.

It will always be a pleasure and an honor to show part of my work, as I always tell you Follow me @Portill08, Comment, share and if you like it Vote.


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You got some great shots here, @portill08! I was so intrigued by that first beetle-looking little guy that I tried to do a bit of Googling as well, but can't figure out exactly what it is either. I agree it does look a bit like that New Guinea Cane Beetle picture you found (which, by the way, you should probably add a link to the source of that photo, just to be on the safe side) but I don't think that's quite it and Google is being frustratingly unhelpful... dang it! 😂

At any rate, thanks for sharing those shots of some definitely fascinating insects!